SHOEBOX Modulates Root Meristem Size in Rice through Dose-Dependent Effects of Gibberellins on Cell Elongation and Proliferation
Little is known concerning the identity of regulatory components and signaling pathways that control the growth of meristem cells in plants. Here, we report that rice plants deficient in the AP2/ERF family gene SHOEBOX (SHB) exhibited a severe reduction in the root meristem size. These plants had shorter cells in the root meristems following germination and fewer cells from approximately 5 days after sowing, suggesting that SHB regulates root meristem cell size and number in a developmental stage-specific manner and that cell size participates in the control of root meristem size in rice. SHB is positively regulated by GA signaling and encodes a direct transcriptional activator of the GA biosynthesis gene KS1, indicating that GA modulates its own biosynthesis and consequently the elongation of meristem cells in rice roots via positive feedback regulation on the transcription of SHB and KS1. Consistently, application of exogenous GA restored the size of root meristem cells to normal in shb and paclobutrazol-treated wild-type plants.
Vyšlo v časopise:
SHOEBOX Modulates Root Meristem Size in Rice through Dose-Dependent Effects of Gibberellins on Cell Elongation and Proliferation. PLoS Genet 11(8): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005464
Research Article
Little is known concerning the identity of regulatory components and signaling pathways that control the growth of meristem cells in plants. Here, we report that rice plants deficient in the AP2/ERF family gene SHOEBOX (SHB) exhibited a severe reduction in the root meristem size. These plants had shorter cells in the root meristems following germination and fewer cells from approximately 5 days after sowing, suggesting that SHB regulates root meristem cell size and number in a developmental stage-specific manner and that cell size participates in the control of root meristem size in rice. SHB is positively regulated by GA signaling and encodes a direct transcriptional activator of the GA biosynthesis gene KS1, indicating that GA modulates its own biosynthesis and consequently the elongation of meristem cells in rice roots via positive feedback regulation on the transcription of SHB and KS1. Consistently, application of exogenous GA restored the size of root meristem cells to normal in shb and paclobutrazol-treated wild-type plants.
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