The Relationship between Gene Network Structure and Expression Variation among Individuals and Species

The variation generating mechanisms of development interact with the variation sorting mechanism of natural selection to produce organismal diversity. While the impacts of natural selection on existing variation have received much study, those of development on the generation of this variation remain less understood. This fundamental gap in our knowledge restricts our understanding of the key processes shaping evolution. In this study, we combine mathematical modeling, and population-level and cross-species assays of gene expression to investigate the relationship between the structure of the gene interactions regulating limb development and variation in the expression of limb genes among individuals and species. Results suggest that the way in which genes interact (i.e., development) biases the distribution of variation in gene expression among individuals, and that this in turn biases the distribution of variation among species.

Vyšlo v časopise: The Relationship between Gene Network Structure and Expression Variation among Individuals and Species. PLoS Genet 11(8): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005398
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1005398


The variation generating mechanisms of development interact with the variation sorting mechanism of natural selection to produce organismal diversity. While the impacts of natural selection on existing variation have received much study, those of development on the generation of this variation remain less understood. This fundamental gap in our knowledge restricts our understanding of the key processes shaping evolution. In this study, we combine mathematical modeling, and population-level and cross-species assays of gene expression to investigate the relationship between the structure of the gene interactions regulating limb development and variation in the expression of limb genes among individuals and species. Results suggest that the way in which genes interact (i.e., development) biases the distribution of variation in gene expression among individuals, and that this in turn biases the distribution of variation among species.


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