Cycling Empirical Antibiotic Therapy in Hospitals: Meta-Analysis and Models
The rise of antibiotic resistance is a major concern for public health. In hospitals, frequent usage of antibiotics leads to high resistance levels; at the same time the patients are especially vulnerable. We therefore urgently need treatment strategies that limit resistance without compromising patient care. Here, we investigate two strategies that coordinate the usage of different antibiotics in a hospital ward: “cycling”, i.e. scheduled changes in antibiotic treatment for all patients, and “mixing”, i.e. random assignment of patients to antibiotics. Previously, theoretical and clinical studies came to different conclusions regarding the usefulness of these strategies. We combine meta-analyses of clinical studies and epidemiological modeling to address this question. Our meta-analyses suggest that cycling is beneficial in reducing the total incidence rate of hospital-acquired infections as well as the incidence rate of resistant infections, and that this is most pronounced at low baseline levels of resistance. We corroborate our findings with theoretical epidemiological models. When incorporating treatment adjustment upon deterioration of a patient's condition (“adjustable cycling”), we find that our theoretical model is in excellent accordance with the clinical data. With this combined approach we present substantial evidence that adjustable cycling can be beneficial for suppressing the emergence of multiple resistance.
Vyšlo v časopise:
Cycling Empirical Antibiotic Therapy in Hospitals: Meta-Analysis and Models. PLoS Pathog 10(6): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1004225
Research Article
The rise of antibiotic resistance is a major concern for public health. In hospitals, frequent usage of antibiotics leads to high resistance levels; at the same time the patients are especially vulnerable. We therefore urgently need treatment strategies that limit resistance without compromising patient care. Here, we investigate two strategies that coordinate the usage of different antibiotics in a hospital ward: “cycling”, i.e. scheduled changes in antibiotic treatment for all patients, and “mixing”, i.e. random assignment of patients to antibiotics. Previously, theoretical and clinical studies came to different conclusions regarding the usefulness of these strategies. We combine meta-analyses of clinical studies and epidemiological modeling to address this question. Our meta-analyses suggest that cycling is beneficial in reducing the total incidence rate of hospital-acquired infections as well as the incidence rate of resistant infections, and that this is most pronounced at low baseline levels of resistance. We corroborate our findings with theoretical epidemiological models. When incorporating treatment adjustment upon deterioration of a patient's condition (“adjustable cycling”), we find that our theoretical model is in excellent accordance with the clinical data. With this combined approach we present substantial evidence that adjustable cycling can be beneficial for suppressing the emergence of multiple resistance.
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