Crystal Structures of the Carboxyl cGMP Binding Domain of the cGMP-dependent Protein Kinase Reveal a Novel Capping Triad Crucial for Merozoite Egress
Malaria causes up to a million fatalities per year worldwide. Most of these deaths are caused by Plasmodium falciparum, which has a complex life cycle in both humans and mosquitoes. One key regulator of this process is P. falciparum cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PfPKG), the main effector of the cGMP-signaling pathway. Specifically blocking this kinase stops both replication and transmission of the parasites, suggesting that PfPKG is a promising drug target. Here we identified the carboxyl cGMP-binding domain of PfPKG serving as a gatekeeper for activation of the entire kinase by having the highest affinity and selectivity for cGMP. High-resolution crystal structures with and without cGMP allowed us to identify a novel cGMP capping triad that dynamically forms upon binding cGMP and stabilizes the activated conformation. Mutation of the capping triad forming residues not only reduces its kinase activity, but also prevents blood stage merozoite egress, demonstrating its crucial role in PfPKG activation.
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Crystal Structures of the Carboxyl cGMP Binding Domain of the cGMP-dependent Protein Kinase Reveal a Novel Capping Triad Crucial for Merozoite Egress. PLoS Pathog 11(2): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1004639
Research Article
Malaria causes up to a million fatalities per year worldwide. Most of these deaths are caused by Plasmodium falciparum, which has a complex life cycle in both humans and mosquitoes. One key regulator of this process is P. falciparum cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PfPKG), the main effector of the cGMP-signaling pathway. Specifically blocking this kinase stops both replication and transmission of the parasites, suggesting that PfPKG is a promising drug target. Here we identified the carboxyl cGMP-binding domain of PfPKG serving as a gatekeeper for activation of the entire kinase by having the highest affinity and selectivity for cGMP. High-resolution crystal structures with and without cGMP allowed us to identify a novel cGMP capping triad that dynamically forms upon binding cGMP and stabilizes the activated conformation. Mutation of the capping triad forming residues not only reduces its kinase activity, but also prevents blood stage merozoite egress, demonstrating its crucial role in PfPKG activation.
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