Lymph-Node Resident CD8α Dendritic Cells Capture Antigens from Migratory Malaria Sporozoites and Induce CD8 T Cell Responses

Malaria is responsible for the deaths of 0.5–2 million people each year. A safe and effective vaccine is likely needed for the control or eradication of malaria. Immunization with irradiated sporozoites, the infectious stage of the parasite transmitted by mosquitoes, protects people against malaria through the activation of specialized effector cells called CD8+ T cells, which can eliminate live parasites. The induction of such malaria-specific CD8+ T cells is critically dependent on dendritic cells, a diverse population of antigen-presenting cells. It was previously unclear how dendritic cells acquire sporozoite antigens to induce the protective CD8+ T cell response. Using a combination of functional studies and high-resolution imaging, we report here that live sporozoites access skin-draining lymph nodes after infection and directly provide antigens to resident dendritic cells that in turn activate CD8+ T cells. These results underscore the importance of live, motile sporozoites in the induction of protective CD8+ T cell responses and provide a mechanistic understanding for the superior immunogenicity of whole parasite vaccines.

Vyšlo v časopise: Lymph-Node Resident CD8α Dendritic Cells Capture Antigens from Migratory Malaria Sporozoites and Induce CD8 T Cell Responses. PLoS Pathog 11(2): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1004637
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.1004637


Malaria is responsible for the deaths of 0.5–2 million people each year. A safe and effective vaccine is likely needed for the control or eradication of malaria. Immunization with irradiated sporozoites, the infectious stage of the parasite transmitted by mosquitoes, protects people against malaria through the activation of specialized effector cells called CD8+ T cells, which can eliminate live parasites. The induction of such malaria-specific CD8+ T cells is critically dependent on dendritic cells, a diverse population of antigen-presenting cells. It was previously unclear how dendritic cells acquire sporozoite antigens to induce the protective CD8+ T cell response. Using a combination of functional studies and high-resolution imaging, we report here that live sporozoites access skin-draining lymph nodes after infection and directly provide antigens to resident dendritic cells that in turn activate CD8+ T cells. These results underscore the importance of live, motile sporozoites in the induction of protective CD8+ T cell responses and provide a mechanistic understanding for the superior immunogenicity of whole parasite vaccines.


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