Role of Pentraxin 3 in Shaping Arthritogenic Alphaviral Disease: From Enhanced Viral Replication to Immunomodulation
Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) and Ross River virus (RRV) are arthropod-borne viruses associated with massive epidemics affecting millions of people worldwide, causing widespread distribution of alphaviral-induced arthritis. The rising prevalence of alphavirus infections and, critically, the lack of therapeutic treatments warrant urgent attention to elucidate the innate immune responses elicited, which serves as the first line of host defense against alphavirus. Ironically, robust innate immune responses have been associated with both protective and pathogenic outcomes. Here, we identified PTX3 as an innate protein involved in acute CHIKV and RRV infection in humans. Using an established acute RRV disease mouse model, we revealed a pathogenic immunoregulatory role of PTX3 which led to enhanced viral infectivity and prolonged disease. Transient overexpression of PTX3 in a human epithelial cell line identified the importance of PTX3 N-terminus in binding RRV and modulating viral entry and replication. Collectively, our study identified a previously undescribed pathogenic role of PTX3 during virus infection and shed insights into the sophisticated innate immune responses launched against virus invasion.
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Role of Pentraxin 3 in Shaping Arthritogenic Alphaviral Disease: From Enhanced Viral Replication to Immunomodulation. PLoS Pathog 11(2): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1004649
Research Article
Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) and Ross River virus (RRV) are arthropod-borne viruses associated with massive epidemics affecting millions of people worldwide, causing widespread distribution of alphaviral-induced arthritis. The rising prevalence of alphavirus infections and, critically, the lack of therapeutic treatments warrant urgent attention to elucidate the innate immune responses elicited, which serves as the first line of host defense against alphavirus. Ironically, robust innate immune responses have been associated with both protective and pathogenic outcomes. Here, we identified PTX3 as an innate protein involved in acute CHIKV and RRV infection in humans. Using an established acute RRV disease mouse model, we revealed a pathogenic immunoregulatory role of PTX3 which led to enhanced viral infectivity and prolonged disease. Transient overexpression of PTX3 in a human epithelial cell line identified the importance of PTX3 N-terminus in binding RRV and modulating viral entry and replication. Collectively, our study identified a previously undescribed pathogenic role of PTX3 during virus infection and shed insights into the sophisticated innate immune responses launched against virus invasion.
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