Molecular and Functional Analyses of a Maize Autoactive NB-LRR Protein Identify Precise Structural Requirements for Activity

The plant hypersensitive defense response (HR) is a rapid, localized cell death, usually occurring upon the recognition of specific pathogen-encoded molecules and consequent activation of nucleotide binding-leucine rich repeat (NLR) proteins. Rp1-D21, a naturally-occurring mutant caused by the recombination of two NLR genes, confers a ‘lesion mimic’, HR-like phenotype in the absence of pathogen infection and provides a powerful tool to investigate the molecular mechanisms of NLR regulation. Here we report the results of a genetic screen in maize that identified novel mutations abrogating Rp1-D21-induced HR. To characterize the function of Rp1-D21, we transiently expressed Rp1-D21 and various derivatives in Nicotiana benthamiana to observe the resulting levels of HR. We furthermore examined the protein-protein interactions between and within different Rp1-D21 derivatives. We report novel insights into the precise structural requirements for NLR function and determine the function of a previously undefined motif. These insights enable a better understanding of how NLRs regulate the switch between the resting and the active states.

Vyšlo v časopise: Molecular and Functional Analyses of a Maize Autoactive NB-LRR Protein Identify Precise Structural Requirements for Activity. PLoS Pathog 11(2): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1004674
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.1004674


The plant hypersensitive defense response (HR) is a rapid, localized cell death, usually occurring upon the recognition of specific pathogen-encoded molecules and consequent activation of nucleotide binding-leucine rich repeat (NLR) proteins. Rp1-D21, a naturally-occurring mutant caused by the recombination of two NLR genes, confers a ‘lesion mimic’, HR-like phenotype in the absence of pathogen infection and provides a powerful tool to investigate the molecular mechanisms of NLR regulation. Here we report the results of a genetic screen in maize that identified novel mutations abrogating Rp1-D21-induced HR. To characterize the function of Rp1-D21, we transiently expressed Rp1-D21 and various derivatives in Nicotiana benthamiana to observe the resulting levels of HR. We furthermore examined the protein-protein interactions between and within different Rp1-D21 derivatives. We report novel insights into the precise structural requirements for NLR function and determine the function of a previously undefined motif. These insights enable a better understanding of how NLRs regulate the switch between the resting and the active states.


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