Bacterial Cooperation Causes Systematic Errors in Pathogen Risk Assessment due to the Failure of the Independent Action Hypothesis
The Independent Action Hypothesis (IAH) is a basic claim in pathogen biology that underlies risk analysis for various national and international health organizations. It states that infecting pathogens act independently of one another and has proven difficult to test directly. Here we demonstrate that cooperation between infecting bacteria causes the IAH to fail in a model host-pathogen system. As a result, standard mathematical risk-assessment models, typically based on the IAH, can overestimate mortality risk at low doses. Cooperation is widespread in micro-organisms, and our results indicate that unjustified reliance on the IAH will lead to inaccurate risk assessment. Our results suggest a re-appraisal of how we assess risk from infectious agents, and for the development of mechanistic, pathogen-specific models.
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Bacterial Cooperation Causes Systematic Errors in Pathogen Risk Assessment due to the Failure of the Independent Action Hypothesis. PLoS Pathog 11(4): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1004775
Research Article
The Independent Action Hypothesis (IAH) is a basic claim in pathogen biology that underlies risk analysis for various national and international health organizations. It states that infecting pathogens act independently of one another and has proven difficult to test directly. Here we demonstrate that cooperation between infecting bacteria causes the IAH to fail in a model host-pathogen system. As a result, standard mathematical risk-assessment models, typically based on the IAH, can overestimate mortality risk at low doses. Cooperation is widespread in micro-organisms, and our results indicate that unjustified reliance on the IAH will lead to inaccurate risk assessment. Our results suggest a re-appraisal of how we assess risk from infectious agents, and for the development of mechanistic, pathogen-specific models.
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