The Aspartate-Less Receiver (ALR) Domains: Distribution, Structure and Function

Two-Component Signaling (TCS) systems are a primary means by which bacteria sense their constantly changing external environment. For pathogens, these relays are key to their host survival. A typical TCS pair consists of a sensor protein, which upon an environmental stimulation will initiate a cellular response by transferring a phosphate group onto a crucial aspartate amino acid within a secondary receiver (REC) protein. However, more recently it has come to light that some REC proteins are missing key amino acids involved in this signaling relay process, including the aspartate residue required for the signaling relay, hinting that a subset of REC proteins might function in different ways. Here we use custom programing to extract all deposited Aspartate-Less Receivers (ALRs) for further examination. Surprisingly, we found that on average there are two ALRs present in every microbial species, making them a significant portion of the bacterial signaling family. Combining computational data with structural, biochemical and genetic examination of a founding member of the ALR family, Repressor of Iron Transport Regulator (RitR) from the human pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae, we demonstrate that ALRs might have evolved to accommodate more diverse environmental signals, while largely retaining their time-tested ancestral post-input signaling mechanisms.

Vyšlo v časopise: The Aspartate-Less Receiver (ALR) Domains: Distribution, Structure and Function. PLoS Pathog 11(4): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1004795
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.1004795


Two-Component Signaling (TCS) systems are a primary means by which bacteria sense their constantly changing external environment. For pathogens, these relays are key to their host survival. A typical TCS pair consists of a sensor protein, which upon an environmental stimulation will initiate a cellular response by transferring a phosphate group onto a crucial aspartate amino acid within a secondary receiver (REC) protein. However, more recently it has come to light that some REC proteins are missing key amino acids involved in this signaling relay process, including the aspartate residue required for the signaling relay, hinting that a subset of REC proteins might function in different ways. Here we use custom programing to extract all deposited Aspartate-Less Receivers (ALRs) for further examination. Surprisingly, we found that on average there are two ALRs present in every microbial species, making them a significant portion of the bacterial signaling family. Combining computational data with structural, biochemical and genetic examination of a founding member of the ALR family, Repressor of Iron Transport Regulator (RitR) from the human pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae, we demonstrate that ALRs might have evolved to accommodate more diverse environmental signals, while largely retaining their time-tested ancestral post-input signaling mechanisms.


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