Twilight, a Novel Circadian-Regulated Gene, Integrates Phototropism with Nutrient and Redox Homeostasis during Fungal Development

Growth in response to light, Phototropism, is important for differentiation and/or environmental adaptation in eukaryotes. Studies in plants and fungi revealed that light perception is tightly regulated by Clock genes, and displays circadian rhythm. On the other hand, carbon homeostasis and/or nutrient distribution have been shown to be under photoperiodic control, and thus robust growth and differentiation are optimized according to specific physiological state(s). Although a few photo-sensory proteins have been characterized in fungi, the exact downstream events triggered by light have not been explored in detail. Our study shows that a novel circadian clock-regulated gene, TWL/Twilight, is essential for proper asexual differentiation and pathogenicity in the rice-blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. Twilight coordinates (internal or in planta) carbon source utilization upon light perception. Transcriptional and posttranslational regulations enable Twilight to integrate and coordinate developmental (asexual reproduction), metabolic (carbon/nitrogen homeostasis), and environmental signals (light and reactive oxygen species) during the disease cycle in the rice blast pathogen. Lastly, we suggest that Twilight-based mechanisms allow the blast pathogen to entrain its metabolism in sync with optimal phototropic growth conditions in the host.

Vyšlo v časopise: Twilight, a Novel Circadian-Regulated Gene, Integrates Phototropism with Nutrient and Redox Homeostasis during Fungal Development. PLoS Pathog 11(6): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1004972
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.1004972


Growth in response to light, Phototropism, is important for differentiation and/or environmental adaptation in eukaryotes. Studies in plants and fungi revealed that light perception is tightly regulated by Clock genes, and displays circadian rhythm. On the other hand, carbon homeostasis and/or nutrient distribution have been shown to be under photoperiodic control, and thus robust growth and differentiation are optimized according to specific physiological state(s). Although a few photo-sensory proteins have been characterized in fungi, the exact downstream events triggered by light have not been explored in detail. Our study shows that a novel circadian clock-regulated gene, TWL/Twilight, is essential for proper asexual differentiation and pathogenicity in the rice-blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. Twilight coordinates (internal or in planta) carbon source utilization upon light perception. Transcriptional and posttranslational regulations enable Twilight to integrate and coordinate developmental (asexual reproduction), metabolic (carbon/nitrogen homeostasis), and environmental signals (light and reactive oxygen species) during the disease cycle in the rice blast pathogen. Lastly, we suggest that Twilight-based mechanisms allow the blast pathogen to entrain its metabolism in sync with optimal phototropic growth conditions in the host.


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