RAB-10-Dependent Membrane Transport Is Required for Dendrite Arborization

Dendrites are cellular extensions from neurons that gather information from other neurons or cues from the external environment to convey to the nervous system of an organism. Dendrites are often extensively branched, raising the question of how neurons supply plasma membrane and dendrite specific proteins from the source of synthesis inside the cell to developing dendrites. We have examined membrane trafficking in the PVD neuron in the nematode worm C. elegans to investigate how new membrane and dendrite proteins are trafficked. The PVD neuron is easy to visualize and has remarkably long and widely branched dendrites positioned along the skin of the worm, which transmits information about harsh touch and cold temperature to the nervous system. We have discovered that a key organizer of vesicle trafficking, the RAB-10 protein, localizes to membrane vesicles and is required to traffic these vesicles that contain plasma membrane and dendrite proteins to the growing PVD dendrite. Further, our work revealed that a complex of proteins, termed the exocyst, that helps fuse membrane vesicles at the plasma membrane, localizes with RAB-10 and is required for dendrite branching. Together, our work has revealed a novel mechanism for how neurons build dendrites that could be used to help repair damaged neurons in human diseases and during aging.

Vyšlo v časopise: RAB-10-Dependent Membrane Transport Is Required for Dendrite Arborization. PLoS Genet 11(9): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005484
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1005484


Dendrites are cellular extensions from neurons that gather information from other neurons or cues from the external environment to convey to the nervous system of an organism. Dendrites are often extensively branched, raising the question of how neurons supply plasma membrane and dendrite specific proteins from the source of synthesis inside the cell to developing dendrites. We have examined membrane trafficking in the PVD neuron in the nematode worm C. elegans to investigate how new membrane and dendrite proteins are trafficked. The PVD neuron is easy to visualize and has remarkably long and widely branched dendrites positioned along the skin of the worm, which transmits information about harsh touch and cold temperature to the nervous system. We have discovered that a key organizer of vesicle trafficking, the RAB-10 protein, localizes to membrane vesicles and is required to traffic these vesicles that contain plasma membrane and dendrite proteins to the growing PVD dendrite. Further, our work revealed that a complex of proteins, termed the exocyst, that helps fuse membrane vesicles at the plasma membrane, localizes with RAB-10 and is required for dendrite branching. Together, our work has revealed a novel mechanism for how neurons build dendrites that could be used to help repair damaged neurons in human diseases and during aging.


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