Atkinesin-13A Modulates Cell-Wall Synthesis and Cell Expansion in via the THESEUS1 Pathway
Most of the visible growth of plant organs is driven by cell expansion without associated cell division. As plant cells are encased in cell walls, expansion requires the controlled loosening of the existing cell wall and synthesis of additional wall material. While a number of factors and plant hormones are known that promote cell expansion, what limits this process and thus restricts final cell and organ size is less well understood. Here, we identify a mutant that forms larger flowers because of increased cell expansion. The affected gene encodes a motor protein associated with the microtubule cytoskeleton that causes microtubule break-down and is required for ensuring an even distribution of secretory organelles within cells. Reduced activity of this motor protein triggers the activation of a pathway that detects defects in cell-wall integrity, which in turn leads to the observed increase in cell-wall synthesis and expansion. The Arabidopsis genome encodes another highly similar motor protein, and the combined loss of their activities causes severe defects, including reduced cell expansion. Thus, the two proteins fulfill an essential function in plant cell growth, and their full activity appears to be required to ensure normal cell-wall synthesis and a timely cessation of cell expansion.
Vyšlo v časopise:
Atkinesin-13A Modulates Cell-Wall Synthesis and Cell Expansion in via the THESEUS1 Pathway. PLoS Genet 10(9): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1004627
Research Article
Most of the visible growth of plant organs is driven by cell expansion without associated cell division. As plant cells are encased in cell walls, expansion requires the controlled loosening of the existing cell wall and synthesis of additional wall material. While a number of factors and plant hormones are known that promote cell expansion, what limits this process and thus restricts final cell and organ size is less well understood. Here, we identify a mutant that forms larger flowers because of increased cell expansion. The affected gene encodes a motor protein associated with the microtubule cytoskeleton that causes microtubule break-down and is required for ensuring an even distribution of secretory organelles within cells. Reduced activity of this motor protein triggers the activation of a pathway that detects defects in cell-wall integrity, which in turn leads to the observed increase in cell-wall synthesis and expansion. The Arabidopsis genome encodes another highly similar motor protein, and the combined loss of their activities causes severe defects, including reduced cell expansion. Thus, the two proteins fulfill an essential function in plant cell growth, and their full activity appears to be required to ensure normal cell-wall synthesis and a timely cessation of cell expansion.
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