WC-1 Recruits SWI/SNF to Remodel and Initiate a Circadian Cycle

Circadian clocks govern behavior in a wide variety of organisms. These clocks are assembled in such a way that proteins encoded by a few dedicated “clock genes” form a complex that acts to reduce their own expression. That is, the genes and proteins participate in a negative feedback loop, and so long as the feedback has delays built in, this system will oscillate. The feedback loops that underlie circadian rhythms in fungi and animals are quite similar in many ways, and while much is known about the proteins themselves, both those that activate the dedicated clock genes and the clock proteins that repress their own expression, relatively little is known about how the initial expression of the clock genes is activated. In Neurospora, a fungal model for these clocks, the proteins that activate expression of the clock gene “frequency” bind to DNA far away from where the coding part of the gene begins, and a mystery has been how this action-at-a-distance works. The answer revealed here is that the activating proteins recruit other proteins to unwrap the DNA and bring the distal site close to the place where the coding part of the gene begins.

Vyšlo v časopise: WC-1 Recruits SWI/SNF to Remodel and Initiate a Circadian Cycle. PLoS Genet 10(9): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1004599
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1004599


Circadian clocks govern behavior in a wide variety of organisms. These clocks are assembled in such a way that proteins encoded by a few dedicated “clock genes” form a complex that acts to reduce their own expression. That is, the genes and proteins participate in a negative feedback loop, and so long as the feedback has delays built in, this system will oscillate. The feedback loops that underlie circadian rhythms in fungi and animals are quite similar in many ways, and while much is known about the proteins themselves, both those that activate the dedicated clock genes and the clock proteins that repress their own expression, relatively little is known about how the initial expression of the clock genes is activated. In Neurospora, a fungal model for these clocks, the proteins that activate expression of the clock gene “frequency” bind to DNA far away from where the coding part of the gene begins, and a mystery has been how this action-at-a-distance works. The answer revealed here is that the activating proteins recruit other proteins to unwrap the DNA and bring the distal site close to the place where the coding part of the gene begins.


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