Eliminating Both Canonical and Short-Patch Mismatch Repair in Suggests a New Meiotic Recombination Model

During meiosis, breaks are introduced into the DNA, then repaired to give either crossovers between homologous chromosomes (these help to ensure correct segregation of these chromosomes from one another), or non-crossover products. Meiotic break repair mechanisms have been best studied in budding yeast, leading to detailed molecular models. Technical limitations have prevented directly testing these models in multi-cellular organisms. One approach that has been tried is to map segments of DNA that are mismatched, since different models predict different arrangements. Mismatches are usually repaired quickly, so analyzing these patterns requires eliminating mismatch repair processes. Although others have knocked out the primary mismatch repair system, we have now, for the first time in an animal, identified the secondary repair pathway and eliminated it and the primary pathway simultaneously. We then analyzed mismatches produced during meiosis. Though the results can be fit to the most popular current model from yeast, if some modifications are made, we also consider a simpler model that incorporates elements of the current model and of earlier models.

Vyšlo v časopise: Eliminating Both Canonical and Short-Patch Mismatch Repair in Suggests a New Meiotic Recombination Model. PLoS Genet 10(9): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1004583
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1004583


During meiosis, breaks are introduced into the DNA, then repaired to give either crossovers between homologous chromosomes (these help to ensure correct segregation of these chromosomes from one another), or non-crossover products. Meiotic break repair mechanisms have been best studied in budding yeast, leading to detailed molecular models. Technical limitations have prevented directly testing these models in multi-cellular organisms. One approach that has been tried is to map segments of DNA that are mismatched, since different models predict different arrangements. Mismatches are usually repaired quickly, so analyzing these patterns requires eliminating mismatch repair processes. Although others have knocked out the primary mismatch repair system, we have now, for the first time in an animal, identified the secondary repair pathway and eliminated it and the primary pathway simultaneously. We then analyzed mismatches produced during meiosis. Though the results can be fit to the most popular current model from yeast, if some modifications are made, we also consider a simpler model that incorporates elements of the current model and of earlier models.


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