Myosin Vb Mediated Plasma Membrane Homeostasis Regulates Peridermal Cell Size and Maintains Tissue Homeostasis in the Zebrafish Epidermis

The epidermis is the outermost epithelial component of the vertebrate skin. It functions as an effective barrier against pathogens and prevents loss of body fluids to the surrounding environment. The factors involved in the maintenance of epidermal architecture have been under intense investigation since the last two decades. Here we report that zebrafish Myosin Vb, a molecular motor, which transports various cargoes inside epithelial cells, is involved in the maintenance of cell size in the outermost epidermal layer called periderm. We show that in the absence of myosin Vb function there is perturbed membrane transport and an increase in degradation of membrane components leading to cell shrinkage in the myosin Vb mutant. The epidermis compensates for this decrease in cell size, which may compromise epidermal integrity, by increasing the cell number. We also show that in the absence of cell proliferation, the cell size increases to compensate for the decrease in cell number. Simultaneous reduction in cell proliferation as well as cell size results in death of the embryos. Thus, our analyses unravel previously unknown compensatory mechanisms that exist in the epidermis to maintain the tissue integrity.

Vyšlo v časopise: Myosin Vb Mediated Plasma Membrane Homeostasis Regulates Peridermal Cell Size and Maintains Tissue Homeostasis in the Zebrafish Epidermis. PLoS Genet 10(9): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1004614
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1004614


The epidermis is the outermost epithelial component of the vertebrate skin. It functions as an effective barrier against pathogens and prevents loss of body fluids to the surrounding environment. The factors involved in the maintenance of epidermal architecture have been under intense investigation since the last two decades. Here we report that zebrafish Myosin Vb, a molecular motor, which transports various cargoes inside epithelial cells, is involved in the maintenance of cell size in the outermost epidermal layer called periderm. We show that in the absence of myosin Vb function there is perturbed membrane transport and an increase in degradation of membrane components leading to cell shrinkage in the myosin Vb mutant. The epidermis compensates for this decrease in cell size, which may compromise epidermal integrity, by increasing the cell number. We also show that in the absence of cell proliferation, the cell size increases to compensate for the decrease in cell number. Simultaneous reduction in cell proliferation as well as cell size results in death of the embryos. Thus, our analyses unravel previously unknown compensatory mechanisms that exist in the epidermis to maintain the tissue integrity.


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