Altered Ca Kinetics Associated with α-Actinin-3 Deficiency May Explain Positive Selection for Null Allele in Human Evolution
α-Actinin-3 is a protein found inside the muscles of most people around the world. It is encoded by a gene called ACTN3, popularly known as “the gene for speed.” In 1.5 billion people, a certain variation in the genetic sequence of their ACTN3 gene causes their muscles to produce no α-actinin-3 protein at all. These people have no muscle disease; however, in elite athletes, a lack of α-actinin-3 seems to be beneficial for endurance activities and detrimental to sprinting activities. Intriguingly, α-actinin-3 deficiency varies in frequency across the globe, being most common in European and Asian populations and least common in African populations. During recent human evolution, there appears to have been strong positive selection for α-actinin-3 deficiency in places where food resources are relatively scarce and climate is cold. We have previously demonstrated that α-actinin-3 deficiency in the Actn3 knockout (KO) mouse causes a shift towards more “energy efficient” forms of muscle metabolism which would enhance survival in times of famine, and benefit endurance performance. Our present study, using single muscle fibres from Actn3 KO mice, demonstrates changes in calcium handling that would adapt muscles to cold environments and provide a survival advantage in cold climates.
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Altered Ca Kinetics Associated with α-Actinin-3 Deficiency May Explain Positive Selection for Null Allele in Human Evolution. PLoS Genet 11(1): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1004862
Research Article
α-Actinin-3 is a protein found inside the muscles of most people around the world. It is encoded by a gene called ACTN3, popularly known as “the gene for speed.” In 1.5 billion people, a certain variation in the genetic sequence of their ACTN3 gene causes their muscles to produce no α-actinin-3 protein at all. These people have no muscle disease; however, in elite athletes, a lack of α-actinin-3 seems to be beneficial for endurance activities and detrimental to sprinting activities. Intriguingly, α-actinin-3 deficiency varies in frequency across the globe, being most common in European and Asian populations and least common in African populations. During recent human evolution, there appears to have been strong positive selection for α-actinin-3 deficiency in places where food resources are relatively scarce and climate is cold. We have previously demonstrated that α-actinin-3 deficiency in the Actn3 knockout (KO) mouse causes a shift towards more “energy efficient” forms of muscle metabolism which would enhance survival in times of famine, and benefit endurance performance. Our present study, using single muscle fibres from Actn3 KO mice, demonstrates changes in calcium handling that would adapt muscles to cold environments and provide a survival advantage in cold climates.
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