Evolutionary Constraint and Disease Associations of Post-Translational Modification Sites in Human Genomes
Individual human genomes differ in numerous and infrequent small-scale changes such as single nucleotide variants. Understanding the biological role of variation and impact on phenotypes such as physical appearance or disease risk is an important challenge. We studied human variation of post-translational modification (PTM) sites spanning >11% of protein sequence. PTMs are chemical modifications of protein residues that extend protein functions and regulate many cellular processes. We found that PTM sites are specifically conserved among humans, indicating that these sequence regions are particularly important for human physiology. We confirm this observation by carefully studying other factors of genome variability, concluding that human PTM sites are broadly constrained in biological contexts. PTM sites are also significantly enriched in disease mutations, thus we can better understand disease genetics by analysing PTMs. We highlight 152 genes where disease mutations significantly accumulate in PTM regions, and integrate these with pharmacological information of PTM enzymes to predict new drug candidates to diseases. As an example, we propose a novel mechanism to PTPN11 mutations implicated in Noonan syndrome. This work aids understanding of the selective forces acting on protein-coding genome sequence and provides an integrative framework for predicting variant function in population and disease.
Vyšlo v časopise:
Evolutionary Constraint and Disease Associations of Post-Translational Modification Sites in Human Genomes. PLoS Genet 11(1): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1004919
Research Article
Individual human genomes differ in numerous and infrequent small-scale changes such as single nucleotide variants. Understanding the biological role of variation and impact on phenotypes such as physical appearance or disease risk is an important challenge. We studied human variation of post-translational modification (PTM) sites spanning >11% of protein sequence. PTMs are chemical modifications of protein residues that extend protein functions and regulate many cellular processes. We found that PTM sites are specifically conserved among humans, indicating that these sequence regions are particularly important for human physiology. We confirm this observation by carefully studying other factors of genome variability, concluding that human PTM sites are broadly constrained in biological contexts. PTM sites are also significantly enriched in disease mutations, thus we can better understand disease genetics by analysing PTMs. We highlight 152 genes where disease mutations significantly accumulate in PTM regions, and integrate these with pharmacological information of PTM enzymes to predict new drug candidates to diseases. As an example, we propose a novel mechanism to PTPN11 mutations implicated in Noonan syndrome. This work aids understanding of the selective forces acting on protein-coding genome sequence and provides an integrative framework for predicting variant function in population and disease.
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