Naturally Occurring Differences in CENH3 Affect Chromosome Segregation in Zygotic Mitosis of Hybrids

As populations evolve into new species they acquire mutations that are compatible with their own genetic background, but often lead to defects when crossed to others. Here, we show that naturally evolved differences in the centromere-specific histone H3 (CENH3) can contribute to this process. Unlike canonical histones, CENH3 differentiates rapidly even between closely related species. To better understand the functional role of natural CENH3 variation, we complemented a null allele of Arabidopsis with progressively more distant orthologs. Contrary to previous findings, we discovered that all tested variants, even the highly diverged maize CENH3, could restore normal growth and reproduction in selfing individuals. However, when crossed to the wild type, hybrid progeny suffered from extensive mis-segregation. Genotypes include simple aneuploids, novel genetic rearrangements, and in extreme cases haploids where all the chromosomes from one parent are lost. This indicates that while wide variation in CENH3 is compatible with its essential function, epigenetically different centromeres do not function well when brought together in a hybrid embryo. A better understanding of haploid generation would have profound effects on plant breeding and our results suggest that the natural variation of CENH3 could offer a cache of testable variation.

Vyšlo v časopise: Naturally Occurring Differences in CENH3 Affect Chromosome Segregation in Zygotic Mitosis of Hybrids. PLoS Genet 11(1): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1004970
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1004970


As populations evolve into new species they acquire mutations that are compatible with their own genetic background, but often lead to defects when crossed to others. Here, we show that naturally evolved differences in the centromere-specific histone H3 (CENH3) can contribute to this process. Unlike canonical histones, CENH3 differentiates rapidly even between closely related species. To better understand the functional role of natural CENH3 variation, we complemented a null allele of Arabidopsis with progressively more distant orthologs. Contrary to previous findings, we discovered that all tested variants, even the highly diverged maize CENH3, could restore normal growth and reproduction in selfing individuals. However, when crossed to the wild type, hybrid progeny suffered from extensive mis-segregation. Genotypes include simple aneuploids, novel genetic rearrangements, and in extreme cases haploids where all the chromosomes from one parent are lost. This indicates that while wide variation in CENH3 is compatible with its essential function, epigenetically different centromeres do not function well when brought together in a hybrid embryo. A better understanding of haploid generation would have profound effects on plant breeding and our results suggest that the natural variation of CENH3 could offer a cache of testable variation.


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