Epigenetic Control of O-Antigen Chain Length: A Tradeoff between Virulence and Bacteriophage Resistance

A tradeoff can increase the adaptive capacity of an organism at the expense of lowering the fitness conferred by specific traits. This study describes a tradeoff that confers bacteriophage resistance in Salmonella enterica at the expense of reducing its pathogenic capacity. Phase variation of the opvAB operon creates two subpopulations of bacterial cells, each with a distinct lipopolysaccharide structure. One subpopulation is large and virulent but sensitive to phages that use the lipopolysaccharide O-antigen as receptor, while the other is small and avirulent but phage resistant. In the presence of a phage that targets the O-antigen, only the avirulent subpopulation survives. However, phase variation permits resuscitation of the virulent opvABOFF subpopulation as soon as phage challenge ceases. This transient tradeoff may illustrate the adaptive value of epigenetic mechanisms that generate bacterial subpopulations in a reversible manner.

Vyšlo v časopise: Epigenetic Control of O-Antigen Chain Length: A Tradeoff between Virulence and Bacteriophage Resistance. PLoS Genet 11(11): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005667
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1005667


A tradeoff can increase the adaptive capacity of an organism at the expense of lowering the fitness conferred by specific traits. This study describes a tradeoff that confers bacteriophage resistance in Salmonella enterica at the expense of reducing its pathogenic capacity. Phase variation of the opvAB operon creates two subpopulations of bacterial cells, each with a distinct lipopolysaccharide structure. One subpopulation is large and virulent but sensitive to phages that use the lipopolysaccharide O-antigen as receptor, while the other is small and avirulent but phage resistant. In the presence of a phage that targets the O-antigen, only the avirulent subpopulation survives. However, phase variation permits resuscitation of the virulent opvABOFF subpopulation as soon as phage challenge ceases. This transient tradeoff may illustrate the adaptive value of epigenetic mechanisms that generate bacterial subpopulations in a reversible manner.


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