The Multi-allelic Genetic Architecture of a Variance-Heterogeneity Locus for Molybdenum Concentration in Leaves Acts as a Source of Unexplained Additive Genetic Variance

Most biological traits vary in natural populations, and understanding the genetic basis of this variation remains an important challenge. Genome-wide association (GWA) studies have emerged as a powerful tool to address this challenge by dissecting the genetic architecture of trait variation into the contribution of individual genes. This contribution has traditionally been measured as the difference in the phenotypic means between groups of individuals with alternative genotypes at one, or multiple loci. However, instead of altering the trait mean, certain loci alter the variability of the trait. Here, we describe the genetic dissection of one such variance-controlling locus that drives variation in leaf molybdenum concentrations amongst natural accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana. The variance-controlling locus was found to result from the contributions of multiple alleles at multiple loci that are closely linked on the chromosome and is a major contributor to the “missing heritability” for this trait identified in previous studies. This illustrates that multi-allelic genetic architectures can hide large amounts of additive genetic variation, and that it is possible to uncover this hidden variation using the appropriate experimental designs and statistical methods described here.

Vyšlo v časopise: The Multi-allelic Genetic Architecture of a Variance-Heterogeneity Locus for Molybdenum Concentration in Leaves Acts as a Source of Unexplained Additive Genetic Variance. PLoS Genet 11(11): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005648
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1005648


Most biological traits vary in natural populations, and understanding the genetic basis of this variation remains an important challenge. Genome-wide association (GWA) studies have emerged as a powerful tool to address this challenge by dissecting the genetic architecture of trait variation into the contribution of individual genes. This contribution has traditionally been measured as the difference in the phenotypic means between groups of individuals with alternative genotypes at one, or multiple loci. However, instead of altering the trait mean, certain loci alter the variability of the trait. Here, we describe the genetic dissection of one such variance-controlling locus that drives variation in leaf molybdenum concentrations amongst natural accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana. The variance-controlling locus was found to result from the contributions of multiple alleles at multiple loci that are closely linked on the chromosome and is a major contributor to the “missing heritability” for this trait identified in previous studies. This illustrates that multi-allelic genetic architectures can hide large amounts of additive genetic variation, and that it is possible to uncover this hidden variation using the appropriate experimental designs and statistical methods described here.


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