Variation in Rural African Gut Microbiota Is Strongly Correlated with Colonization by and Subsistence

The community of microorganisms inhabiting the gastrointestinal tract plays a critical role in determining human health. It’s been hypothesized that the industrialized lifestyle, marked by a diet rich in processed foods, higher use of antibiotics, increased hygiene, and exposure to various chemicals, has altered microbiota in ways that are harmful. Studies have addressed this by comparing rural and industrialized populations, and have found that they systematically vary in their gut microbiome composition. Nevertheless, the relative influence of host genetics, diet, climate, medication, hygiene practices, and parasitism is still not clear. In addition, microbial variation between nearby human populations has not been explored in depth. Moreover, The World Health Organization estimates that 24% of the world’s population, concentrated in developing countries, is infected with gut parasites. Despite this, and evidence for direct interactions between the immune system and both gut parasites and bacteria, we know relatively little about the relationship between gut helminths, protozoa, and bacteria. In our study, we aimed to address some of this complexity. To do so, we characterized the gut microbial communities and parasites from Pygmy hunter-gatherer and Bantu farming and fishing populations from seven locations in the rainforest of Southwest Cameroon. We found that both subsistence mode and the presence of the gut protozoa, Entamoeba, were significantly correlated with microbiome composition. These findings support previous studies demonstrating diet is an important determinant of gut microbiota, and further show that this pattern holds true at a local scale, in traditional societies inhabiting a similar environment. Additionally, we show a significant relationship between a common human parasite (Entamoeba) and gut bacterial community composition, suggesting potential important interactions between the immune system, gut bacteria, and gut parasites, highlighting the need for more hierarchical cross population studies that include parasitism as potential factor influencing gut microbiota dynamics.

Vyšlo v časopise: Variation in Rural African Gut Microbiota Is Strongly Correlated with Colonization by and Subsistence. PLoS Genet 11(11): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005658
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1005658


The community of microorganisms inhabiting the gastrointestinal tract plays a critical role in determining human health. It’s been hypothesized that the industrialized lifestyle, marked by a diet rich in processed foods, higher use of antibiotics, increased hygiene, and exposure to various chemicals, has altered microbiota in ways that are harmful. Studies have addressed this by comparing rural and industrialized populations, and have found that they systematically vary in their gut microbiome composition. Nevertheless, the relative influence of host genetics, diet, climate, medication, hygiene practices, and parasitism is still not clear. In addition, microbial variation between nearby human populations has not been explored in depth. Moreover, The World Health Organization estimates that 24% of the world’s population, concentrated in developing countries, is infected with gut parasites. Despite this, and evidence for direct interactions between the immune system and both gut parasites and bacteria, we know relatively little about the relationship between gut helminths, protozoa, and bacteria. In our study, we aimed to address some of this complexity. To do so, we characterized the gut microbial communities and parasites from Pygmy hunter-gatherer and Bantu farming and fishing populations from seven locations in the rainforest of Southwest Cameroon. We found that both subsistence mode and the presence of the gut protozoa, Entamoeba, were significantly correlated with microbiome composition. These findings support previous studies demonstrating diet is an important determinant of gut microbiota, and further show that this pattern holds true at a local scale, in traditional societies inhabiting a similar environment. Additionally, we show a significant relationship between a common human parasite (Entamoeba) and gut bacterial community composition, suggesting potential important interactions between the immune system, gut bacteria, and gut parasites, highlighting the need for more hierarchical cross population studies that include parasitism as potential factor influencing gut microbiota dynamics.


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