Spindle-F Is the Central Mediator of Ik2 Kinase-Dependent Dendrite Pruning in Sensory Neurons

In Drosophila, the nervous systems undergo extensive neuronal remodeling during metamorphosis, as many larval neurons die and adult neurons are generated while some larval neurons survive and prune their branches. Pruning that removes specific parts of neuronal branches without causing cell death is a self-destruct process, thus requiring precise regulation to prevent undesired damage to the nervous systems. Certain Drosophila sensory neurons that undergo dendrite pruning, specifically eliminating the dendrites but leaving the axons intact, provide us an opportunity to study the mechanism of how pruning activity is regulated in the dendrites. We reasoned that the distinctive microtubule polarity in dendrites and axons might be involved and factors are required to regulate the pruning activity in the dendrites through their interaction with microtubules. Here, we identified Spindle-F that mediates Ik2-dependent pruning activity in the dendrites by linking Ik2 to the microtubule motor dynein complex. We showed that elevation of Ik2 activity during dendrite pruning promotes Ik2/Spindle-F/dynein complex moving along the microtubules. We also showed that the formation and redistribution of Ik2/Spindle-F/dynein complex are essential for dendrite pruning. Our study reveals a connection between the polarized microtubules of dendrites and the pruning activity through Spindle-F for dendrite pruning.

Vyšlo v časopise: Spindle-F Is the Central Mediator of Ik2 Kinase-Dependent Dendrite Pruning in Sensory Neurons. PLoS Genet 11(11): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005642
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1005642


In Drosophila, the nervous systems undergo extensive neuronal remodeling during metamorphosis, as many larval neurons die and adult neurons are generated while some larval neurons survive and prune their branches. Pruning that removes specific parts of neuronal branches without causing cell death is a self-destruct process, thus requiring precise regulation to prevent undesired damage to the nervous systems. Certain Drosophila sensory neurons that undergo dendrite pruning, specifically eliminating the dendrites but leaving the axons intact, provide us an opportunity to study the mechanism of how pruning activity is regulated in the dendrites. We reasoned that the distinctive microtubule polarity in dendrites and axons might be involved and factors are required to regulate the pruning activity in the dendrites through their interaction with microtubules. Here, we identified Spindle-F that mediates Ik2-dependent pruning activity in the dendrites by linking Ik2 to the microtubule motor dynein complex. We showed that elevation of Ik2 activity during dendrite pruning promotes Ik2/Spindle-F/dynein complex moving along the microtubules. We also showed that the formation and redistribution of Ik2/Spindle-F/dynein complex are essential for dendrite pruning. Our study reveals a connection between the polarized microtubules of dendrites and the pruning activity through Spindle-F for dendrite pruning.


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