Genetic Dissection of the Female Head Transcriptome Reveals Widespread Allelic Heterogeneity
For traits with complex genetic inheritance it has generally proven very difficult to identify the majority of the specific causative variants involved. A range of hypotheses have been put forward to explain this so-called “missing heritability”. One idea—allelic heterogeneity, where genes each harbor multiple different causative variants—has received little attention, because it is difficult to detect with most genetic mapping designs. Here we make use of a panel of Drosophila melanogaster lines derived from multiple founders, allowing us to directly test for the presence of multiple alleles at a large set of genetic loci influencing gene expression. We find that the vast majority of loci harbor more than two functional alleles, demonstrating extensive allelic heterogeneity at the level of gene expression and suggesting that such heterogeneity is an important factor determining the genetic basis of complex trait variation in general.
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Genetic Dissection of the Female Head Transcriptome Reveals Widespread Allelic Heterogeneity. PLoS Genet 10(5): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1004322
Research Article
For traits with complex genetic inheritance it has generally proven very difficult to identify the majority of the specific causative variants involved. A range of hypotheses have been put forward to explain this so-called “missing heritability”. One idea—allelic heterogeneity, where genes each harbor multiple different causative variants—has received little attention, because it is difficult to detect with most genetic mapping designs. Here we make use of a panel of Drosophila melanogaster lines derived from multiple founders, allowing us to directly test for the presence of multiple alleles at a large set of genetic loci influencing gene expression. We find that the vast majority of loci harbor more than two functional alleles, demonstrating extensive allelic heterogeneity at the level of gene expression and suggesting that such heterogeneity is an important factor determining the genetic basis of complex trait variation in general.
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