Chromosome Replacement and Deletion Lead to Clonal Polymorphism of Berry Color in Grapevine

Pinot is one of the most ancient grapevine varieties made up of a large panel of clones, most of them used to produce very different wines with specific oenological characteristics in different vineyards around the world. This great diversity of clones, which is due to spontaneous somatic mutations that have occurred over time, makes Pinot a fascinating subject of study. It is the reason why we have undertaken a study focused on the color locus to identify the mutations responsible for color variation in a large panel of Pinot gris and Pinot blanc clones. The results we obtained shed light on large-scale molecular events that account for the loss of anthocyanin biosynthesis, such as chromosome replacement and deletion. These mutations first multiplied and, depending on the cell layer in which they occurred, lead to chimeras. Occasionally, cell layer rearrangements homogenize the whole plant. Clonal polymorphism of grapevine varieties results from a succession of such molecular and cellular mechanisms that are the driving forces behind the genetic drift of clones and the evolution of the grapevine genome.

Vyšlo v časopise: Chromosome Replacement and Deletion Lead to Clonal Polymorphism of Berry Color in Grapevine. PLoS Genet 11(4): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005081
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1005081


Pinot is one of the most ancient grapevine varieties made up of a large panel of clones, most of them used to produce very different wines with specific oenological characteristics in different vineyards around the world. This great diversity of clones, which is due to spontaneous somatic mutations that have occurred over time, makes Pinot a fascinating subject of study. It is the reason why we have undertaken a study focused on the color locus to identify the mutations responsible for color variation in a large panel of Pinot gris and Pinot blanc clones. The results we obtained shed light on large-scale molecular events that account for the loss of anthocyanin biosynthesis, such as chromosome replacement and deletion. These mutations first multiplied and, depending on the cell layer in which they occurred, lead to chimeras. Occasionally, cell layer rearrangements homogenize the whole plant. Clonal polymorphism of grapevine varieties results from a succession of such molecular and cellular mechanisms that are the driving forces behind the genetic drift of clones and the evolution of the grapevine genome.


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