Maintenance of Glia in the Optic Lamina Is Mediated by EGFR Signaling by Photoreceptors in Adult Drosophila

Degeneration of the nervous system can be viewed as a failure to maintain cell survival or function in the nervous system. The late onset of neurodegeneration in humans indicates that the cell survival in the nervous system must be maintained throughout our lives. Neuronal survival is maintained by neurotrophic factors in adults; however, it is unclear whether glia survival is also maintained throughout adulthood. Here, we use the Drosophila visual system as a model to address the role played by adult neurons for the active maintenance of glia. We demonstrated that the adult photoreceptors secrete a signaling molecule, which is transported to the brain to act on the lamina glia and maintain its integrity. When this signaling pathway is blocked, the lamina glia undergoes a progressive and irreversible degeneration. The primary defect occurs in the trafficking from the late endosome and autophagosome to the lysosome. This defect leads to an accumulation of autophagosomes and subsequent cell degeneration as a result of autophagy. Our findings provide in vivo evidence for a novel aspect of the neuron-glia interaction and a novel role for EGFR signaling in regulating the maintenance and degeneration of the nervous system.

Vyšlo v časopise: Maintenance of Glia in the Optic Lamina Is Mediated by EGFR Signaling by Photoreceptors in Adult Drosophila. PLoS Genet 11(4): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005187
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1005187


Degeneration of the nervous system can be viewed as a failure to maintain cell survival or function in the nervous system. The late onset of neurodegeneration in humans indicates that the cell survival in the nervous system must be maintained throughout our lives. Neuronal survival is maintained by neurotrophic factors in adults; however, it is unclear whether glia survival is also maintained throughout adulthood. Here, we use the Drosophila visual system as a model to address the role played by adult neurons for the active maintenance of glia. We demonstrated that the adult photoreceptors secrete a signaling molecule, which is transported to the brain to act on the lamina glia and maintain its integrity. When this signaling pathway is blocked, the lamina glia undergoes a progressive and irreversible degeneration. The primary defect occurs in the trafficking from the late endosome and autophagosome to the lysosome. This defect leads to an accumulation of autophagosomes and subsequent cell degeneration as a result of autophagy. Our findings provide in vivo evidence for a novel aspect of the neuron-glia interaction and a novel role for EGFR signaling in regulating the maintenance and degeneration of the nervous system.


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