Spatio-temporal Remodeling of Functional Membrane Microdomains Organizes the Signaling Networks of a Bacterium

Cellular membranes organize proteins related to signal transduction, protein sorting and membrane trafficking into the so-called lipid rafts. It has been proposed that the functional diversity of lipid rafts would require a heterogeneous population of raft domains with varying compositions. However, a mechanism for such diversification is not known due in part to the complexity that entails the manipulation of eukaryotic cells. The recent discovery that bacteria organize many cellular processes in membrane microdomains (FMMs), functionally similar to the eukaryotic lipid rafts, prompted us to explore FMMs diversity in the bacterial model Bacillus subtilis. We show that diversification of FMMs occurs in cells and gives rise to functionally distinct microdomains, which compartmentalize distinct signal transduction pathways and regulate the expression of different genetic programs. We discovered that FMMs diversification does not occur randomly. Cells sequentially regulate the specialization of the FMMs during cell growth to ensure an effective and diverse activation of signaling processes.

Vyšlo v časopise: Spatio-temporal Remodeling of Functional Membrane Microdomains Organizes the Signaling Networks of a Bacterium. PLoS Genet 11(4): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005140
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1005140


Cellular membranes organize proteins related to signal transduction, protein sorting and membrane trafficking into the so-called lipid rafts. It has been proposed that the functional diversity of lipid rafts would require a heterogeneous population of raft domains with varying compositions. However, a mechanism for such diversification is not known due in part to the complexity that entails the manipulation of eukaryotic cells. The recent discovery that bacteria organize many cellular processes in membrane microdomains (FMMs), functionally similar to the eukaryotic lipid rafts, prompted us to explore FMMs diversity in the bacterial model Bacillus subtilis. We show that diversification of FMMs occurs in cells and gives rise to functionally distinct microdomains, which compartmentalize distinct signal transduction pathways and regulate the expression of different genetic programs. We discovered that FMMs diversification does not occur randomly. Cells sequentially regulate the specialization of the FMMs during cell growth to ensure an effective and diverse activation of signaling processes.


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