IL-4 Induced Innate CD8 T Cells Control Persistent Viral Infection

Over the course of viral infection there may be a limited time period during which the host system can eliminate the virus. When viruses are not eliminated within this period of time, virus can establish persistent infection. Here, we show that IL-4-induced innate CD8+ T cells are able to effectively control chronic virus infection. Innate T cells are heterogeneous population of T cells that acquire effector/memory phenotype as a result of their maturation process in thymus, unlike conventional T cells that differentiate into memory cells after antigen encounter in periphery. Previous data suggest that innate T cells might serve as a first-line of defense against certain bacterial pathogens. IL-4-induced innate CD8+ T cells are a unique subset of innate T cells that were recently identified in both mouse and human. We found that IL-4-induced innate CD8+ T cells immediately accumulated after viral infection and produced a robust amount of effector cytokines. Thereby, IL-4-induced innate CD8+ T cells provide an effective barrier to the establishment of persistent infection via effective virus control during the early phase of viral infection. Collectively our data show that IL-4-induced innate CD8+ T cells works as an early defense mechanism against chronic viral infection.

Vyšlo v časopise: IL-4 Induced Innate CD8 T Cells Control Persistent Viral Infection. PLoS Pathog 11(10): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1005193
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.1005193


Over the course of viral infection there may be a limited time period during which the host system can eliminate the virus. When viruses are not eliminated within this period of time, virus can establish persistent infection. Here, we show that IL-4-induced innate CD8+ T cells are able to effectively control chronic virus infection. Innate T cells are heterogeneous population of T cells that acquire effector/memory phenotype as a result of their maturation process in thymus, unlike conventional T cells that differentiate into memory cells after antigen encounter in periphery. Previous data suggest that innate T cells might serve as a first-line of defense against certain bacterial pathogens. IL-4-induced innate CD8+ T cells are a unique subset of innate T cells that were recently identified in both mouse and human. We found that IL-4-induced innate CD8+ T cells immediately accumulated after viral infection and produced a robust amount of effector cytokines. Thereby, IL-4-induced innate CD8+ T cells provide an effective barrier to the establishment of persistent infection via effective virus control during the early phase of viral infection. Collectively our data show that IL-4-induced innate CD8+ T cells works as an early defense mechanism against chronic viral infection.


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