Requires Host Rab1b for Survival in Macrophages

Yersinia pestis is the bacterial agent that causes the human disease known as plague. While often considered a historic disease, Y. pestis is endemic in rodent populations on several continents and the World Health Organization considers plague to be a reemerging disease. Much of the success of this pathogen comes from its ability to evade clearance by the innate immune system of its host. One weapon in the Y. pestis arsenal is its ability to resist killing when engulfed by macrophages. Upon invasion of macrophages, Y. pestis actively manipulates the cell to generate a protective vacuolar compartment, called the Yersinia containing vacuole (YCV) that allows the bacterium to evade the normal pathogen killing mechanisms of the macrophage. Here we demonstrate that the host protein Rab1b is recruited to the YCV and is required for Y. pestis to inhibit both the acidification and normal maturation of the phagosome to establish a protective niche within the cell. Rab1b is the first protein, either from the host or Y. pestis, shown to contribute to the biogenesis of the YCV. Furthermore, our data suggest a previously unknown impact of Rab1b recruitment in the phagosome maturation pathway.

Vyšlo v časopise: Requires Host Rab1b for Survival in Macrophages. PLoS Pathog 11(10): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1005241
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.1005241


Yersinia pestis is the bacterial agent that causes the human disease known as plague. While often considered a historic disease, Y. pestis is endemic in rodent populations on several continents and the World Health Organization considers plague to be a reemerging disease. Much of the success of this pathogen comes from its ability to evade clearance by the innate immune system of its host. One weapon in the Y. pestis arsenal is its ability to resist killing when engulfed by macrophages. Upon invasion of macrophages, Y. pestis actively manipulates the cell to generate a protective vacuolar compartment, called the Yersinia containing vacuole (YCV) that allows the bacterium to evade the normal pathogen killing mechanisms of the macrophage. Here we demonstrate that the host protein Rab1b is recruited to the YCV and is required for Y. pestis to inhibit both the acidification and normal maturation of the phagosome to establish a protective niche within the cell. Rab1b is the first protein, either from the host or Y. pestis, shown to contribute to the biogenesis of the YCV. Furthermore, our data suggest a previously unknown impact of Rab1b recruitment in the phagosome maturation pathway.


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