The Timing of Stimulation and IL-2 Signaling Regulate Secondary CD8 T Cell Responses

Since memory CD8 T cells afford hosts increased protection, extensive research has been devoted to understanding the parameters that affect the generation of these cells. Humans are typically infected with pathogens more than once, thus leading to re-stimulation of existing primary memory CD8 T cell populations. The factors influencing the development of CD8 T cells responding to repetitive antigen stimulations remain unknown. We demonstrate that the time at which primary memory CD8 T cells encounter antigen and are re-stimulated during infection influences the outcome of a secondary pathogen-specific CD8 T cell response. We show that at the time of antigen re-encounter, interleukin-2 cytokine signals received by developing secondary CD8 T cells impact the rate of acquiring secondary memory CD8 T cell characteristics. These data indicate that secondary memory CD8 T cell generation is a process that can be manipulated, which may have implications in the development of consecutive prime-boost immunization strategies.

Vyšlo v časopise: The Timing of Stimulation and IL-2 Signaling Regulate Secondary CD8 T Cell Responses. PLoS Pathog 11(10): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1005199
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.1005199


Since memory CD8 T cells afford hosts increased protection, extensive research has been devoted to understanding the parameters that affect the generation of these cells. Humans are typically infected with pathogens more than once, thus leading to re-stimulation of existing primary memory CD8 T cell populations. The factors influencing the development of CD8 T cells responding to repetitive antigen stimulations remain unknown. We demonstrate that the time at which primary memory CD8 T cells encounter antigen and are re-stimulated during infection influences the outcome of a secondary pathogen-specific CD8 T cell response. We show that at the time of antigen re-encounter, interleukin-2 cytokine signals received by developing secondary CD8 T cells impact the rate of acquiring secondary memory CD8 T cell characteristics. These data indicate that secondary memory CD8 T cell generation is a process that can be manipulated, which may have implications in the development of consecutive prime-boost immunization strategies.


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