The White-Nose Syndrome Transcriptome: Activation of Anti-fungal Host Responses in Wing Tissue of Hibernating Little Brown Myotis

White-nose syndrome is the most devastating epizootic wildlife disease of mammals in history, having killed millions of hibernating bats in North America since 2007. We have used next-generation RNA sequencing to provide a survey of the gene expression changes that accompany this disease in the skin of bats infected with the causative fungus. We identified possible new mechanisms that may either provide protection or contribute to mortality, including inflammatory immune responses. Contrary to expectations that hibernation represents a period of dormancy, we found that gene expression pathways were responsive to the environment. We also examined which genes were expressed in the pathogen and identified several classes of genes that could contribute to the virulence of this disease. Gene expression changes in the host were associated with local inflammation despite the fact that the bats were hibernating. However, we found that hibernating bats with white-nose syndrome lack some of the responses known to defend other mammals from fungal infection. We propose that bats could be protected from white-nose syndrome if these responses could be established prior to hibernation or if treatments could block the virulence factors expressed by the pathogen.

Vyšlo v časopise: The White-Nose Syndrome Transcriptome: Activation of Anti-fungal Host Responses in Wing Tissue of Hibernating Little Brown Myotis. PLoS Pathog 11(10): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1005168
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.1005168


White-nose syndrome is the most devastating epizootic wildlife disease of mammals in history, having killed millions of hibernating bats in North America since 2007. We have used next-generation RNA sequencing to provide a survey of the gene expression changes that accompany this disease in the skin of bats infected with the causative fungus. We identified possible new mechanisms that may either provide protection or contribute to mortality, including inflammatory immune responses. Contrary to expectations that hibernation represents a period of dormancy, we found that gene expression pathways were responsive to the environment. We also examined which genes were expressed in the pathogen and identified several classes of genes that could contribute to the virulence of this disease. Gene expression changes in the host were associated with local inflammation despite the fact that the bats were hibernating. However, we found that hibernating bats with white-nose syndrome lack some of the responses known to defend other mammals from fungal infection. We propose that bats could be protected from white-nose syndrome if these responses could be established prior to hibernation or if treatments could block the virulence factors expressed by the pathogen.


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