Existing Infection Facilitates Establishment and Density of Malaria Parasites in Their Mosquito Vector
Very little is known about how malaria parasite strains interact with each other inside mosquitoes. In this study we show that mosquitoes that have already been infected with one strain of malaria parasites are more likely to become infected with a new strain. Moreover, the presence of an existing infection enhances the replication of malaria parasites with no obvious impact on mosquito survival. Our results illustrate that interactions between strains are important factors in parasite survival and transmission across the whole of their life cycle.
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Existing Infection Facilitates Establishment and Density of Malaria Parasites in Their Mosquito Vector. PLoS Pathog 11(7): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1005003
Research Article
Very little is known about how malaria parasite strains interact with each other inside mosquitoes. In this study we show that mosquitoes that have already been infected with one strain of malaria parasites are more likely to become infected with a new strain. Moreover, the presence of an existing infection enhances the replication of malaria parasites with no obvious impact on mosquito survival. Our results illustrate that interactions between strains are important factors in parasite survival and transmission across the whole of their life cycle.
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