Lv4 Is a Capsid-Specific Antiviral Activity in Human Blood Cells That Restricts Viruses of the SIV/SIV/HIV-2 Lineage Prior to Integration

HIV-1 and HIV-2, the two lentiviruses that cause AIDS in humans, are members of a family of such viruses that infect African primates. HIV-1 is a zoonosis that was transmitted to humans from chimpanzees. HIV-2 was transmitted to humans from sooty mangabey monkeys. In several documented cases of cross-species transmission of lentiviruses it has been shown that replication of the virus in the new host species necessitated that the virus adapt to species-specific antiviral factors in the host. Here we report that human blood cells possess an antiviral activity that exhibits specificity for viruses of the HIV-2/SIVMAC/SIVSM lineage, with restriction being greatest for SIVSM and the least for epidemic HIV-2. Here we show that this dominant-acting, antiviral activity is specific for the capsid and blocks the virus after it enters the nucleus. The evidence suggests that, in order to jump from sooty mangabey monkeys to humans, the capsid of these viruses changed in order to adapt to this antiviral activity. In keeping with the practice concerning anti-lentiviral activities we propose to call this new antiviral activity Lv4.

Vyšlo v časopise: Lv4 Is a Capsid-Specific Antiviral Activity in Human Blood Cells That Restricts Viruses of the SIV/SIV/HIV-2 Lineage Prior to Integration. PLoS Pathog 11(7): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1005050
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.1005050


HIV-1 and HIV-2, the two lentiviruses that cause AIDS in humans, are members of a family of such viruses that infect African primates. HIV-1 is a zoonosis that was transmitted to humans from chimpanzees. HIV-2 was transmitted to humans from sooty mangabey monkeys. In several documented cases of cross-species transmission of lentiviruses it has been shown that replication of the virus in the new host species necessitated that the virus adapt to species-specific antiviral factors in the host. Here we report that human blood cells possess an antiviral activity that exhibits specificity for viruses of the HIV-2/SIVMAC/SIVSM lineage, with restriction being greatest for SIVSM and the least for epidemic HIV-2. Here we show that this dominant-acting, antiviral activity is specific for the capsid and blocks the virus after it enters the nucleus. The evidence suggests that, in order to jump from sooty mangabey monkeys to humans, the capsid of these viruses changed in order to adapt to this antiviral activity. In keeping with the practice concerning anti-lentiviral activities we propose to call this new antiviral activity Lv4.


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PLOS Pathogens

2015 Číslo 7
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