Analysis of the Genome, Transcriptome and Secretome Provides Insight into Its Pioneer Colonization Strategies of Wood

The wood decay fungus Phlebiopsis gigantea degrades all components of plant cell walls and is uniquely able to rapidly colonize freshly exposed conifer sapwood. However, mechanisms underlying its conversion of lignocellulose and resinous extractives have not been explored. We report here analyses of the genetic repertoire, transcriptome and secretome of P. gigantea. Numerous highly expressed hydrolases, together with lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases were implicated in P. gigantea's attack on cellulose, and an array of ligninolytic peroxidases and auxiliary enzymes were also identified. Comparisons of woody substrates with and without extractives revealed differentially expressed genes predicted to be involved in the transformation of resin. These expression patterns are likely key to the pioneer colonization of conifers by P. gigantea.

Vyšlo v časopise: Analysis of the Genome, Transcriptome and Secretome Provides Insight into Its Pioneer Colonization Strategies of Wood. PLoS Genet 10(12): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1004759
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1004759


The wood decay fungus Phlebiopsis gigantea degrades all components of plant cell walls and is uniquely able to rapidly colonize freshly exposed conifer sapwood. However, mechanisms underlying its conversion of lignocellulose and resinous extractives have not been explored. We report here analyses of the genetic repertoire, transcriptome and secretome of P. gigantea. Numerous highly expressed hydrolases, together with lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases were implicated in P. gigantea's attack on cellulose, and an array of ligninolytic peroxidases and auxiliary enzymes were also identified. Comparisons of woody substrates with and without extractives revealed differentially expressed genes predicted to be involved in the transformation of resin. These expression patterns are likely key to the pioneer colonization of conifers by P. gigantea.


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