Genome-Wide Analysis of -Regulated and Phased Small RNAs Underscores the Importance of the ta-siRNA Pathway to Maize Development
Mutations in maize leafbladeless1 (lbl1) that disrupt ta-siRNA biogenesis give rise to plants with thread-like leaves that have lost top/bottom polarity. We used genomic approaches to identify lbl1-dependent small RNAs and their targets to determine the basis for these polarity defects. This revealed substantial diversity in small RNA pathways across plant species and identified unexpected roles for LBL1 in the regulation of repetitive elements within the maize genome. We further show that only ta-siRNA loci belonging to the TAS3 family function in the maize vegetative apex. The TAS3-derived tasiR-ARFs are the main ta-siRNA active in the apex, and misregulation of their ARF3 targets emerges as the basis for the lbl1 leaf polarity defects. Supporting this, we show that plants expressing arf3a transcripts insensitive to tasiR-ARF-directed cleavage recapitulate the phenotypes observed in lbl1. The TAS3 ta-siRNA pathway, including the regulation of ARF3 genes, is conserved throughout land plant evolution, yet the phenotypes of plants defective for ta-siRNA biogenesis are strikingly different. Our data leads us to propose that divergence in the processes regulated by the ARF3 transcription factors or the spatiotemporal pattern during development in which these proteins act, underlies the diverse developmental contributions of this small RNA pathway across plants.
Vyšlo v časopise:
Genome-Wide Analysis of -Regulated and Phased Small RNAs Underscores the Importance of the ta-siRNA Pathway to Maize Development. PLoS Genet 10(12): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1004826
Research Article
Mutations in maize leafbladeless1 (lbl1) that disrupt ta-siRNA biogenesis give rise to plants with thread-like leaves that have lost top/bottom polarity. We used genomic approaches to identify lbl1-dependent small RNAs and their targets to determine the basis for these polarity defects. This revealed substantial diversity in small RNA pathways across plant species and identified unexpected roles for LBL1 in the regulation of repetitive elements within the maize genome. We further show that only ta-siRNA loci belonging to the TAS3 family function in the maize vegetative apex. The TAS3-derived tasiR-ARFs are the main ta-siRNA active in the apex, and misregulation of their ARF3 targets emerges as the basis for the lbl1 leaf polarity defects. Supporting this, we show that plants expressing arf3a transcripts insensitive to tasiR-ARF-directed cleavage recapitulate the phenotypes observed in lbl1. The TAS3 ta-siRNA pathway, including the regulation of ARF3 genes, is conserved throughout land plant evolution, yet the phenotypes of plants defective for ta-siRNA biogenesis are strikingly different. Our data leads us to propose that divergence in the processes regulated by the ARF3 transcription factors or the spatiotemporal pattern during development in which these proteins act, underlies the diverse developmental contributions of this small RNA pathway across plants.
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