The Dissection of Meiotic Chromosome Movement in Mice Using an Electroporation Technique

Meiosis is a special type of cell division for gametogenesis, errors in which cause several genetic disorders such as infertility and Down syndrome. In meiotic prophase I, chromosomes are tethered to the nuclear envelope (NE) through telomeres, and move rapidly along the NE to get homologs aligned and juxtaposed. Following homologous recombination and synapsis, the bivalent chromosome structure is established, which promotes genetic varieties, and also ensures accurate chromosome segregation in following anaphase I. Although there have been extensive studies addressing meiotic chromosome dynamics in yeast and worms, the same in mammalian meiosis remains largely elusive. Here, we utilized an in vivo electroporation (EP) technique to visualize chromosome movement in live mouse spermatocytes. We, for the first time, define the meiotic sub-stages in live cells based on telomeres and chromosome axis morphologies, and reveal chromosome movements regulated in a stage-specific manner. Putting the live-observations together with our cytological observations in fixed cells, we propose that meiotic chromosome movements in mammals are mediated by the rail-tracking movement of telomeres along the MT cables surrounding the meiotic nucleus.

Vyšlo v časopise: The Dissection of Meiotic Chromosome Movement in Mice Using an Electroporation Technique. PLoS Genet 10(12): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1004821
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1004821


Meiosis is a special type of cell division for gametogenesis, errors in which cause several genetic disorders such as infertility and Down syndrome. In meiotic prophase I, chromosomes are tethered to the nuclear envelope (NE) through telomeres, and move rapidly along the NE to get homologs aligned and juxtaposed. Following homologous recombination and synapsis, the bivalent chromosome structure is established, which promotes genetic varieties, and also ensures accurate chromosome segregation in following anaphase I. Although there have been extensive studies addressing meiotic chromosome dynamics in yeast and worms, the same in mammalian meiosis remains largely elusive. Here, we utilized an in vivo electroporation (EP) technique to visualize chromosome movement in live mouse spermatocytes. We, for the first time, define the meiotic sub-stages in live cells based on telomeres and chromosome axis morphologies, and reveal chromosome movements regulated in a stage-specific manner. Putting the live-observations together with our cytological observations in fixed cells, we propose that meiotic chromosome movements in mammals are mediated by the rail-tracking movement of telomeres along the MT cables surrounding the meiotic nucleus.


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