Vaccinia Virus Protein Complex F12/E2 Interacts with Kinesin Light Chain Isoform 2 to Engage the Kinesin-1 Motor Complex
Viruses often hijack the cellular transport systems to facilitate their movement within and between cells. Vaccinia virus (VACV), the smallpox vaccine, is very adept at this and exploits cellular transport machinery at several stages during its life cycle. For instance, during transport of new virus particles to the cell surface VACV interacts with a protein motor complex called kinesin-1 that moves cargo on microtubules. However, details of the cellular and viral components needed and the molecular mechanisms involved remain poorly understood. Hitherto, only the VACV protein A36 has been shown to interact with kinesin-1, however viruses lacking A36 still reach the cell surface, albeit at reduced efficiency, indicating other factors are involved. Here we describe an interaction between kinesin-1 and a complex of VACV proteins F12 and E2, which are both needed for virus transport. The F12/E2 complex associates with a subset of kinesin-1 molecules (kinesin light chain isoform 2) with a region thought to be involved in modulation of cargo binding and kinesin-1 motor activity. Further study of this interaction will enhance understanding of the VACV life cycle and of the roles of different kinesin-1 subtypes in cellular processes and the mechanisms that regulate them.
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Vaccinia Virus Protein Complex F12/E2 Interacts with Kinesin Light Chain Isoform 2 to Engage the Kinesin-1 Motor Complex. PLoS Pathog 11(3): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1004723
Research Article
Viruses often hijack the cellular transport systems to facilitate their movement within and between cells. Vaccinia virus (VACV), the smallpox vaccine, is very adept at this and exploits cellular transport machinery at several stages during its life cycle. For instance, during transport of new virus particles to the cell surface VACV interacts with a protein motor complex called kinesin-1 that moves cargo on microtubules. However, details of the cellular and viral components needed and the molecular mechanisms involved remain poorly understood. Hitherto, only the VACV protein A36 has been shown to interact with kinesin-1, however viruses lacking A36 still reach the cell surface, albeit at reduced efficiency, indicating other factors are involved. Here we describe an interaction between kinesin-1 and a complex of VACV proteins F12 and E2, which are both needed for virus transport. The F12/E2 complex associates with a subset of kinesin-1 molecules (kinesin light chain isoform 2) with a region thought to be involved in modulation of cargo binding and kinesin-1 motor activity. Further study of this interaction will enhance understanding of the VACV life cycle and of the roles of different kinesin-1 subtypes in cellular processes and the mechanisms that regulate them.
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