A Conserved Domain in the Scc3 Subunit of Cohesin Mediates the Interaction with Both Mcd1 and the Cohesin Loader Complex

Cohesin is a four-subunit complex that tethers distinct regions of chromatin either intra- or inter-molecularly. Cohesin is essential for mediating proper chromosome structure and dynamics and to maintain genome stability. In humans, mutations in cohesin are associated with several developmental disorders and cancer. The function of the Scc3 subunit of cohesin is unclear. In this study we use a genetic approach to isolate mutations in SCC3 that abrogate cohesin function. We identified a mutant adjacent to an evolutionarily conserved domain of Scc3 termed the SCD. This mutant retained the ability to interact with the cohesin loader and the cohesin regulatory proteins Wpl1 and Pds5. However, it abrogated the interaction with the cohesin core trimer (Mcd1, Smc1, Smc3). This interaction was found to be critical for the initial association of cohesin with chromosomes and for its tethering activity. In-depth analyses of the SCD revealed a subset of mutants that retained their ability to interact with the cohesin trimer and had normal cohesion but were inviable and defective for condensation. These results reveal that the SCD region of Scc3 plays a role in chromosome condensation distinct from that in cohesion. Our results shed a new light on the mechanisms whereby cohesin helps maintains genome stability.

Vyšlo v časopise: A Conserved Domain in the Scc3 Subunit of Cohesin Mediates the Interaction with Both Mcd1 and the Cohesin Loader Complex. PLoS Genet 11(3): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005036
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1005036


Cohesin is a four-subunit complex that tethers distinct regions of chromatin either intra- or inter-molecularly. Cohesin is essential for mediating proper chromosome structure and dynamics and to maintain genome stability. In humans, mutations in cohesin are associated with several developmental disorders and cancer. The function of the Scc3 subunit of cohesin is unclear. In this study we use a genetic approach to isolate mutations in SCC3 that abrogate cohesin function. We identified a mutant adjacent to an evolutionarily conserved domain of Scc3 termed the SCD. This mutant retained the ability to interact with the cohesin loader and the cohesin regulatory proteins Wpl1 and Pds5. However, it abrogated the interaction with the cohesin core trimer (Mcd1, Smc1, Smc3). This interaction was found to be critical for the initial association of cohesin with chromosomes and for its tethering activity. In-depth analyses of the SCD revealed a subset of mutants that retained their ability to interact with the cohesin trimer and had normal cohesion but were inviable and defective for condensation. These results reveal that the SCD region of Scc3 plays a role in chromosome condensation distinct from that in cohesion. Our results shed a new light on the mechanisms whereby cohesin helps maintains genome stability.


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