A RecA Protein Surface Required for Activation of DNA Polymerase V

DNA polymerase V from the bacterium Escherichia coli is one of a class of DNA polymerases that replicate DNA inaccurately. They thus generate mutations at elevated levels. Whereas this might seem incongruous with the goal of accurate transmission of genetic information from one generation to the next, it is actually part of a specialized bacterial DNA repair process that comes into play principally when cells are severely stressed by high loads of DNA damage. Polymerase V is normally inactive. The transfer of one subunit from the bacterial recombinase RecA, and the addition of ATP, leads to the formation of the active pol V Mutasome (Mut) (UmuD′2C-RecA-ATP). The current study delves deeper into this process, initiating the task of mapping out the molecular details of the interaction between RecA and UmuD′2C. One surface region on the RecA protein required for this activation is defined, the step in the activation process that is affected by this surface is identified, and a direct interaction (or at least very close proximity) between this surface and particular amino acid residues in the UmuC protein is demonstrated. A new RecA variant protein is generated that provides improved separation of function, in that the activation of pol V is abolished while minimally affecting other RecA functions. The study also provides a molecular consummation for a series of incisive genetic studies carried out nearly two decades ago.

Vyšlo v časopise: A RecA Protein Surface Required for Activation of DNA Polymerase V. PLoS Genet 11(3): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005066
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1005066


DNA polymerase V from the bacterium Escherichia coli is one of a class of DNA polymerases that replicate DNA inaccurately. They thus generate mutations at elevated levels. Whereas this might seem incongruous with the goal of accurate transmission of genetic information from one generation to the next, it is actually part of a specialized bacterial DNA repair process that comes into play principally when cells are severely stressed by high loads of DNA damage. Polymerase V is normally inactive. The transfer of one subunit from the bacterial recombinase RecA, and the addition of ATP, leads to the formation of the active pol V Mutasome (Mut) (UmuD′2C-RecA-ATP). The current study delves deeper into this process, initiating the task of mapping out the molecular details of the interaction between RecA and UmuD′2C. One surface region on the RecA protein required for this activation is defined, the step in the activation process that is affected by this surface is identified, and a direct interaction (or at least very close proximity) between this surface and particular amino acid residues in the UmuC protein is demonstrated. A new RecA variant protein is generated that provides improved separation of function, in that the activation of pol V is abolished while minimally affecting other RecA functions. The study also provides a molecular consummation for a series of incisive genetic studies carried out nearly two decades ago.


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