GAGA Factor Maintains Nucleosome-Free Regions and Has a Role in RNA Polymerase II Recruitment to Promoters

Transcriptional regulation is critical for proper gene expression in response to environmental changes and developmental programs. Eukaryotes have evolved multiple mechanisms by which transcription factors regulate transcription. One mechanism is the reorganization of chromatin to allow Pol II recruitment. Another is the release of promoter-proximal paused Pol II, where Pol II transcription that is halted 20–60 bases downstream of the transcription start site (TSS) is allowed to enter into productive elongation through the gene body. The Drosophila transcription factor GAF binds to genes that undergo pausing and interacts with nucleosome remodelers and the pausing factor NELF. Thus, GAF can regulate multiple points necessary for transcription, but its mechanistic role is not fully understood genome-wide. We depleted GAF from cells and examined the genome-wide changes in Pol II and nucleosome distributions across genes. We found that GAF depletion reduces polymerase density at genes where GAF binds just upstream of the TSS, and results in nucleosomes moving into the promoter region. Our results show that GAF is important for maintaining the promoter accessibility, allowing Pol II to be recruited to promoters and enter the pause sites downstream of the TSS. Thus, GAF is critical for providing the chromatin environment necessary for the proper control of gene expression.

Vyšlo v časopise: GAGA Factor Maintains Nucleosome-Free Regions and Has a Role in RNA Polymerase II Recruitment to Promoters. PLoS Genet 11(3): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005108
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1005108


Transcriptional regulation is critical for proper gene expression in response to environmental changes and developmental programs. Eukaryotes have evolved multiple mechanisms by which transcription factors regulate transcription. One mechanism is the reorganization of chromatin to allow Pol II recruitment. Another is the release of promoter-proximal paused Pol II, where Pol II transcription that is halted 20–60 bases downstream of the transcription start site (TSS) is allowed to enter into productive elongation through the gene body. The Drosophila transcription factor GAF binds to genes that undergo pausing and interacts with nucleosome remodelers and the pausing factor NELF. Thus, GAF can regulate multiple points necessary for transcription, but its mechanistic role is not fully understood genome-wide. We depleted GAF from cells and examined the genome-wide changes in Pol II and nucleosome distributions across genes. We found that GAF depletion reduces polymerase density at genes where GAF binds just upstream of the TSS, and results in nucleosomes moving into the promoter region. Our results show that GAF is important for maintaining the promoter accessibility, allowing Pol II to be recruited to promoters and enter the pause sites downstream of the TSS. Thus, GAF is critical for providing the chromatin environment necessary for the proper control of gene expression.


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