Cis-Regulatory Mechanisms for Robust Olfactory Sensory Neuron Class-restricted Odorant Receptor Gene Expression in
Our neurons can become over a hundred years old. Even if neurons are restructured and remodeled by their constant work of receiving, storing and sending information, they stay devoted to one single task and retain their identity for their whole life. How a neuron keeps its identity is not well understood. In the olfactory system, the identity of the olfactory sensory neuron (OSN) is a result of the expression of a single odorant receptor (OR) from a large receptor gene repertoire in the genome. Neurons that share an expressed receptor make a functional class. Here, we identify clusters of transcription factor binding motifs to be the smallest unit that drive expression in a single olfactory sensory neuron class. We further demonstrate that it is the structure of the cluster that determines the class specific expression. However, environmental stress, such as temperature changes or starvation, destabilizes the expression produced by the cluster. Our results demonstrate that stable expression is generated from redundant motifs outside the cluster and suggest that cooperative regulation generates robust expression of the genes that determine neuronal identity and function.
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Cis-Regulatory Mechanisms for Robust Olfactory Sensory Neuron Class-restricted Odorant Receptor Gene Expression in. PLoS Genet 11(3): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005051
Research Article
Our neurons can become over a hundred years old. Even if neurons are restructured and remodeled by their constant work of receiving, storing and sending information, they stay devoted to one single task and retain their identity for their whole life. How a neuron keeps its identity is not well understood. In the olfactory system, the identity of the olfactory sensory neuron (OSN) is a result of the expression of a single odorant receptor (OR) from a large receptor gene repertoire in the genome. Neurons that share an expressed receptor make a functional class. Here, we identify clusters of transcription factor binding motifs to be the smallest unit that drive expression in a single olfactory sensory neuron class. We further demonstrate that it is the structure of the cluster that determines the class specific expression. However, environmental stress, such as temperature changes or starvation, destabilizes the expression produced by the cluster. Our results demonstrate that stable expression is generated from redundant motifs outside the cluster and suggest that cooperative regulation generates robust expression of the genes that determine neuronal identity and function.
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