Combinatorial Control of Light Induced Chromatin Remodeling and Gene Activation in

In this study we have investigated the roles of the Neurospora transcription factors (TFs) WCC and SUB1 in light-activation of transcription. In principle TFs could exert identical functions for transcriptional activation and the extent of transcription will be determined by the sum of activity of the TFs. In this case however, we found that the activity of the main blue-light photoreceptor WCC is essential for the activation of light-inducible genes. SUB1 cooperates synergistically with the WCC to enhance expression of a subset of genes controlled directly by the light-activated WCC but cannot activate its light-inducible target genes in the absence of WCC. WCC evicts nucleosomes at its binding sites. This process is supported by SUB1 at a subset of common target genes. Light-dependent nucleosome loss generally correlates with but is not dependent on induction of transcription. Light-induced nucleosome eviction by the WCC/SUB1 could sensitize promoters for activation via endogenous and exogenous cues other than light, which may modulate the plasticity of the light-responsive transcriptome.

Vyšlo v časopise: Combinatorial Control of Light Induced Chromatin Remodeling and Gene Activation in. PLoS Genet 11(3): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005105
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1005105


In this study we have investigated the roles of the Neurospora transcription factors (TFs) WCC and SUB1 in light-activation of transcription. In principle TFs could exert identical functions for transcriptional activation and the extent of transcription will be determined by the sum of activity of the TFs. In this case however, we found that the activity of the main blue-light photoreceptor WCC is essential for the activation of light-inducible genes. SUB1 cooperates synergistically with the WCC to enhance expression of a subset of genes controlled directly by the light-activated WCC but cannot activate its light-inducible target genes in the absence of WCC. WCC evicts nucleosomes at its binding sites. This process is supported by SUB1 at a subset of common target genes. Light-dependent nucleosome loss generally correlates with but is not dependent on induction of transcription. Light-induced nucleosome eviction by the WCC/SUB1 could sensitize promoters for activation via endogenous and exogenous cues other than light, which may modulate the plasticity of the light-responsive transcriptome.


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