Reproductive Isolation of Hybrid Populations Driven by Genetic Incompatibilities

Understanding the origin of species is one of the central challenges in evolutionary biology. It has been suggested that hybridization could generate new species because hybrids can display novel combinations of traits that induce reproductive isolation from their parental species (called “hybrid speciation”). Existing models predict that this should only occur in special cases, and indeed there have been only few well-supported examples. We describe a new model of hybrid reproductive isolation that results from selection against genetic incompatibilities in hybrids, which are predicted to be common. Simulations reveal that hybrid populations rapidly and frequently become isolated from parental species by fixing combinations of genes that hinder successful reproduction with parental species. We propose that this process could be an important mechanism for the formation of new species.

Vyšlo v časopise: Reproductive Isolation of Hybrid Populations Driven by Genetic Incompatibilities. PLoS Genet 11(3): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005041
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1005041


Understanding the origin of species is one of the central challenges in evolutionary biology. It has been suggested that hybridization could generate new species because hybrids can display novel combinations of traits that induce reproductive isolation from their parental species (called “hybrid speciation”). Existing models predict that this should only occur in special cases, and indeed there have been only few well-supported examples. We describe a new model of hybrid reproductive isolation that results from selection against genetic incompatibilities in hybrids, which are predicted to be common. Simulations reveal that hybrid populations rapidly and frequently become isolated from parental species by fixing combinations of genes that hinder successful reproduction with parental species. We propose that this process could be an important mechanism for the formation of new species.


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