Caudal Regulates the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Pair-Rule Waves in

One of the most popular problems in development is how the anterior-posterior axis of vertebrates, arthropods and annelids is partitioned into segments. In vertebrates, and recently shown in the beetle Tribolium castaneum, segments are demarcated by means of gene expression waves that propagate from posterior to anterior as the embryo elongates. These waves are assumed to arise due to the regulation of a molecular clock by a frequency gradient. However, to date, neither a candidate nor a functional role has been identified for such a frequency gradient. Here we provide evidence that a static expression gradient of caudal regulates pair-rule oscillations during blastoderm stage in Tribolium. In such a static setup, a frequency gradient is essential to convert clock oscillations into a striped pattern. We further show that a frequency gradient might be essential even in the presence of axis elongation as a buffer against noise. Our work also provides the best evidence to date that Caudal acts as a type of morphogen gradient in the blastoderm of short-germ arthropods; however, Caudal seems to convey positional information through frequency regulation of pair-rule oscillations, rather than through threshold concentration levels in the gradient.

Vyšlo v časopise: Caudal Regulates the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Pair-Rule Waves in. PLoS Genet 10(10): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1004677
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1004677


One of the most popular problems in development is how the anterior-posterior axis of vertebrates, arthropods and annelids is partitioned into segments. In vertebrates, and recently shown in the beetle Tribolium castaneum, segments are demarcated by means of gene expression waves that propagate from posterior to anterior as the embryo elongates. These waves are assumed to arise due to the regulation of a molecular clock by a frequency gradient. However, to date, neither a candidate nor a functional role has been identified for such a frequency gradient. Here we provide evidence that a static expression gradient of caudal regulates pair-rule oscillations during blastoderm stage in Tribolium. In such a static setup, a frequency gradient is essential to convert clock oscillations into a striped pattern. We further show that a frequency gradient might be essential even in the presence of axis elongation as a buffer against noise. Our work also provides the best evidence to date that Caudal acts as a type of morphogen gradient in the blastoderm of short-germ arthropods; however, Caudal seems to convey positional information through frequency regulation of pair-rule oscillations, rather than through threshold concentration levels in the gradient.


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