Design and evaluation of a laboratory-based wheelchair castor testing protocol using community data
Anand Mhatre aff001; Norman Reese aff002; Jon Pearlman aff001
Působiště autorů:
Department of Rehabilitation Science and Technology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America
aff001; International Society of Wheelchair Professionals, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America
aff002; Engineering & Engineering Technology, LeTourneau University, Longview, Texas, United States of America
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 15(1)
Research Article
Wheelchair castors fail frequently causing physical, social and economic consequences for wheelchair users. These failures occur in spite of established wheelchair test methods and regulations, suggesting that the existing tests may not be sufficient to screen poorly designed castors. An expert stakeholder group, convened by the International Society of Wheelchair Professionals (ISWP), noted castor failures as a high priority and recommended that a new castor testing system should be developed. In a previous study, the effect of shock exposure on castor durability was studied. The current paper extends the previous work and focuses on the development of a castor testing protocol based on shock, corrosion and abrasion exposure data collected in the community. The testing protocol was applied to 8 different castor models tested under four conditions: shock, corrosion + shock, abrasion + shock and abrasion + corrosion + shock. For each model, a total of n = 8 samples were evaluated across the four conditions. Results demonstrate that corrosion and abrasion reduced castor durability between 13% to 100% depending on the model. Importantly, the inclusion of corrosion and abrasion resulted in changes in the failure modes for 75% of the tested models and two-thirds of the altered failure modes are associated with increased risk of injury for wheelchair users. These results suggest that corrosion and abrasion present in the community reduce castor durability, thus supporting their inclusion in the castor testing protocol and potentially other wheelchair standards.
Klíčová slova:
Equipment – Steel – Accelerometers – Material fatigue – Fog – Terrain – Wheelchairs – Corrosion
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