Effect of a community-based approach of iron and folic acid supplementation on compliance by pregnant women in Kiambu County, Kenya: A quasi-experimental study
Mary Wanjira Kamau aff001; Samuel Thuo Kimani aff001; Waithira Mirie aff001; Isaac Kamau Mugoya aff002
Působiště autorů:
School of Nursing Sciences, University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya
aff001; John Snow Inc., Nairobi, Kenya
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 15(1)
Research Article
Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation (IFAS) is an essential and affordable intervention strategy for prevention of anaemia during pregnancy. The supplements are currently provided for free to pregnant women in Kenya during antenatal care (ANC), but compliance remains low over the years. There is need for diversification of IFAS programme implementation by exploring other distribution channels to complement existing antenatal distribution and ensure consistent access to IFAS supplements.
To determine the effect of a community-based approach of IFAS distribution on compliance and assess side-effects experienced and their mitigation by pregnant women in Kiambu County.
A pretest-posttest quasi-experimental study design was used, consisting of an intervention and a control group, among 340 pregnant women 15–49 years, in five health facilities in Lari Sub-County in Kiambu County, between June 2016 and March 2017. Community health volunteers provided IFAS supplements, counselling and weekly follow-up to pregnant women in the intervention group while the control group followed standard practice from health facilities. Baseline and endline data were collected during antenatal care and compared. Quantitative data was analyzed using STATA version 14. Analysis of effect of intervention was done using Difference-In-Difference regression approach.
Levels of compliance increased by 8% in intervention group and 6% in control group. There was increased awareness of IFAS side-effects across groups. The intervention group reported experiencing less side-effects and were better able to manage them compared to the control group.
Implementation a community-based approach improved maternal compliance with IFAS, awareness of IFAS side effects and their management, with better improvement being recorded in the intervention group. Hence, there is need to integrate community-based approach with antenatal distribution of IFAS to improve supplementation.
Klíčová slova:
Pregnancy – Public and occupational health – Kenya – Health education and awareness – Antenatal care – Iron deficiency anemia – Folic acid – anémia
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