Evaluation of upconverting nanoparticles towards heart theranostics
Marc Kermorgant aff001; Jennifer Ben Salem aff001; Julien Santelli aff003; Denis Calise aff004; Anne-Cécile Oster aff001; Olivier Lairez aff005; Christophe Coudret aff006; Marc Verelst aff007; Céline Gales aff001; Jean-Michel Sénard aff001; Francis Beaudry aff002; Anne Pavy-Le Traon aff009; Clément Roux aff006; Robert Mauricot aff003; Dina N. Arvanitis aff001
Působiště autorů:
Institut des Maladies Métaboliques et Cardiovasculaires, INSERM UMR1048, Université de Toulouse, France
aff001; Groupe de Recherche en Pharmacologie Animale du Québec (GREPAQ), Département de Biomédecine Vétérinaire, Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire, Université de Montréal, Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec, Canada
aff002; CEMES-CNRS, Université de Toulouse, CNRS, France
aff003; Service Microchirurgie, Centre Régional d'Exploration Fonctionnelle et Ressources Expérimentales (CREFRE- US06, Rangueil)
aff004; Fédération des services de cardiologie, hôpital Rangueil
aff005; Laboratoire des IMRCP, Université de Toulouse, CNRS UMR 5623, Université Toulouse III—Paul Sabatier
aff006; CHROMALYS SAS, France
aff007; Service de Pharmacologie Clinique, CHU de Toulouse, Université de Toulouse, France
aff008; Département de Neurologie et Institut des Neurosciences, Université de Toulouse, France
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(12)
Research Article
Restricted and controlled drug delivery to the heart remains a challenge giving frequent off-target effects as well as limited retention of drugs in the heart. There is a need to develop and optimize tools to allow for improved design of drug candidates for treatment of heart diseases. Over the last decade, novel drug platforms and nanomaterials were designed to confine bioactive materials to the heart. Yet, the research remains in its infancy, not only in the development of tools but also in the understanding of effects of these materials on cardiac function and tissue integrity. Upconverting nanoparticles are nanomaterials that recently accelerated interest in theranostic nanomedicine technologies. Their unique photophysical properties allow for sensitive in vivo imaging that can be combined with spatio-temporal control for targeted release of encapsulated drugs.
Here we synthesized upconverting NaYF4:Yb,Tm nanoparticles and show for the first time their innocuity in the heart, when injected in the myocardium or in the pericardial space in mice. Nanoparticle retention and upconversion in the cardiac region did not alter heart rate variability, nor cardiac function as determined over a 15-day time course ensuing the sole injection. Altogether, our nanoparticles show innocuity primarily in the pericardial region and can be safely used for controlled spatiotemporal drug delivery. Our results support the use of upconverting nanoparticles as potential theranostics tools overcoming some of the key limitations associated with conventional experimental cardiology.
Klíčová slova:
Electrocardiography – Lasers – Nanoparticles – Cardiovascular physiology – Drug delivery – Myocardium – Pericardium
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