Aortic pressure and forward and backward wave components in children, adolescents and young-adults: Agreement between brachial oscillometry, radial and carotid tonometry data and analysis of factors associated with their differences
Agustina Zinoveev aff001; Juan M. Castro aff001; Victoria García-Espinosa aff001; Mariana Marin aff001; Pedro Chiesa aff002; Daniel Bia aff001; Yanina Zócalo aff001
Působiště autorů:
Departamento de Fisiología, Facultad de Medicina, Centro Universitario de Investigación, Innovación y Diagnóstico Arterial (CUiiDARTE), Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay
aff001; Servicio de Cardiología Pediátrica, Centro Hospitalario Pereira-Rossell, ASSE - Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(12)
Research Article
Non-invasive devices used to estimate central (aortic) systolic pressure (cSBP), pulse pressure (cPP) and forward (Pf) and backward (Pb) wave components from blood pressure (BP) or surrogate signals differ in arteries studied, techniques, data-analysis algorithms and/or calibration schemes (e.g. calibrating to calculated [MBPc] or measured [MBPosc] mean pressure). The aims were to analyze, in children, adolescents and young-adults (1) the agreement between cSBP, cPP, Pf and Pb obtained using carotid (CT) and radial tonometry (RT) and brachial-oscillometry (BOSC); and (2) explanatory factors for the differences between approaches-data and between MBPosc and MBPc.1685 subjects (mean/range age: 14/3-35 y.o.) assigned to three age-related groups (3–12; 12–18; 18–35 y.o.) were included. cSBP, cPP, Pf and Pb were assessed with BOSC (Mobil-O-Graph), CT and RT (SphygmoCor) records. Two calibration schemes were considered: MBPc and MBPosc for calibrations to similar BP levels. Correlation, Bland-Altman tests and multiple regression models were applied. Systematic and proportional errors were observed; errors´ statistical significance and values varied depending on the parameter analyzed, methods compared and group considered. The explanatory factors for the differences between data obtained from the different approaches varied depending on the methods compared. The highest cSBP and cPP were obtained from CT; the lowest from RT. Independently of the technique, parameter or age-group, higher values were obtained calibrating to MBPosc. Age, sex, heart rate, diastolic BP, body weight or height were explanatory factors for the differences in cSBP, cPP, Pf or Pb. Brachial BP levels were explanatory factors for the differences between MBPosc and MBPc.
Klíčová slova:
Instrument calibration – Blood pressure – Hypertension – Adolescents – Graphs – Anthropometry – Heart rate – Systolic pressure
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