Lie prevalence, lie characteristics and strategies of self-reported good liars
Brianna L. Verigin aff001; Ewout H. Meijer aff001; Glynis Bogaard aff001; Aldert Vrij aff002
Působiště autorů:
Forensic Psychology Section, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands
aff001; Department of Psychology, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, United Kingdom
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(12)
Research Article
Meta-analytic findings indicate that the success of unmasking a deceptive interaction relies more on the performance of the liar than on that of the lie detector. Despite this finding, the lie characteristics and strategies of deception that enable good liars to evade detection are largely unknown. We conducted a survey (n = 194) to explore the association between laypeople’s self-reported ability to deceive on the one hand, and their lie prevalence, characteristics, and deception strategies in daily life on the other. Higher self-reported ratings of deception ability were positively correlated with self-reports of telling more lies per day, telling inconsequential lies, lying to colleagues and friends, and communicating lies via face-to-face interactions. We also observed that self-reported good liars highly relied on verbal strategies of deception and they most commonly reported to i) embed their lies into truthful information, ii) keep the statement clear and simple, and iii) provide a plausible account. This study provides a starting point for future research exploring the meta-cognitions and patterns of skilled liars who may be most likely to evade detection.
Klíčová slova:
Social communication – Behavior – Survey research – Deception – Interpersonal relationships – Statistical distributions – Scientific misconduct
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