Domestication may affect the maternal mRNA profile in unfertilized eggs, potentially impacting the embryonic development of Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis)
Tainá Rocha de Almeida aff001; Maud Alix aff001; Aurélie Le Cam aff002; Christophe Klopp aff003; Jérôme Montfort aff002; Lola Toomey aff001; Yannick Ledoré aff001; Julien Bobe aff002; Dominique Chardard aff001; Bérénice Schaerlinger aff001; Pascal Fontaine aff001
Působiště autorů:
UR AFPA, University of Lorraine, INRA, Nancy, France
aff001; LPGP, UR1037 Fish Physiology and Genomics, INRA, Rennes, France
aff002; Sigenae, MIAT, INRA, Castanet-Tolosan, Toulouse, France
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(12)
Research Article
Domestication is an evolutionary process during which we expect populations to progressively adapt to an environment controlled by humans. It is accompanied by genetic and presumably epigenetic changes potentially leading to modifications in the transcriptomic profile in various tissues. Reproduction is a key function often affected by this process in numerous species, regardless of the mechanism. The maternal mRNA in fish eggs is crucial for the proper embryogenesis. Our working hypothesis is that modifications of maternal mRNAs may reflect potential genetic and/or epigenetic modifications occurring during domestication and could have consequences during embryogenesis. Consequently, we investigated the trancriptomic profile of unfertilized eggs from two populations of Eurasian perch. These two populations differed by their domestication histories (F1 vs. F7+–at least seven generations of reproduction in captivity) and were genetically differentiated (FST = 0.1055, p<0.05). A broad follow up of the oogenesis progression failed to show significant differences during oogenesis between populations. However, the F1 population spawned earlier with embryos presenting an overall higher survivorship than those from the F7+ population. The transcriptomic profile of unfertilized eggs showed 358 differentially expressed genes between populations. In conclusion, our data suggests that the domestication process may influence the regulation of the maternal transcripts in fish eggs, which could in turn explain differences of developmental success.
Klíčová slova:
Gene expression – Embryos – Transcriptome analysis – Domestic animals – Spawning – Microarrays – Fish farming – Oogenesis
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