Composition and structure of the marine benthic community in Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica: Responses of the benthic assemblage to disturbances
Yun Hee Kang aff001; Sanghee Kim aff002; Sun Kyeong Choi aff003; Kyeonglim Moon aff003; Han-Gu Choi aff002; Young Wook Ko aff002; Ian Hawes aff004; Sa-Heung Kim aff005; Ji Hee Kim aff002; Sang Rul Park aff004
Působiště autorů:
Department of Earth and Marine Sciences, Jeju National University, Jeju, Republic of Korea
aff001; Department of Polar Life Sciences, Korea Polar Research Institute, Incheon, Republic of Korea
aff002; Estuarine & Coastal Ecology Laboratory, Department of Marine Life Sciences, Jeju National University, Jeju, Republic of Korea
aff003; Coastal Marine Field Station, University of Waikato, Sulphur Point, Tauranga, New Zealand
aff004; Marine Biodiversity Research Institute, INTHESEA KOREA Inc., Jeju, Republic of Korea
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(12)
Research Article
The community structure and assemblages of marine benthic organisms were investigated in coastal areas near the Jang Bogo Antarctic Research Station in Terra Nova Bay during the 2012–2018 summer seasons. We also examined the recovery pattern of marine benthic organisms following disturbance due to the construction of the Jang Bogo Station. A total of 26 taxa were identified in the study area during the experimental period. Species number and diversity indices (richness, evenness, and diversity) were relatively low compared to data previously reported from Terra Nova Bay. Sphaerotylus antarcticus, Clavularia frankliniana, Hydractinia sp., Iridaea cordata, Fragilariopsis spp., Alcyonium antarcticum, and Metalaeospira pixelli were the dominant species in this area. Of these, the diatom Fragilariopsis spp. were the most abundant species, indicating their key role in maintaining the marine benthic community and controlling biogeochemical cycling. During the construction of the Jang Bogo Station, sediment coverage increased and diatoms declined due to the release of sediment into the coastal area. In February 2014, one month after the disturbance due to cyclone, the diatom coverage increased dramatically and thereby species number, richness index, and diversity index steadily rose from 2015 to 2018. However, non-metric multidimensional scaling ordination analysis of species similarities among sampling times showed that community structure had not completely recovered by 2018. Thus, long-term monitoring is required to elucidate the post-disturbance settlement mechanisms of marine benthic organisms at the study area in Terra Nova Bay.
Klíčová slova:
Community structure – Species diversity – Marine and aquatic sciences – Diatoms – Marine environments – Sediment – Antarctica – Marine ecosystems
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